View Full Version : Well another shaper question.

Ron Bontz
05-28-2009, 1:08 AM
I was cutting a few more raised panels on my Delta shaper today making multiple passes. My cutter is getting dull and now will be sent off to be sharpened. So, I started wondering how deep of a cut should one be able to make on a 3hp shaper with a 1-1/4" spindle? Assuming a sharp Triple flute, 5.5" carbide cutter. 7000-10,000 RPM. Oak for material.

Philip Johnson
05-28-2009, 1:41 AM
I used to have a cheap import 3hp shaper with power feed and I did it in one pass. That was with a new sharp freeborn cutter.

Chip Lindley
05-28-2009, 8:34 AM
ONE PASS! With a Sharp cutter on a 3hp machine!

Dull cutters speak for themselves! And, some cutters have little or NO positive hook angle built into the knife. This causes the cutter to be totally unusable when approaching *dull*!

NEW Freeborn or Freud RP cutters cut oak *like butta*!!

Ron Bontz
05-28-2009, 10:29 PM
Hmm, Well it would seem there is more to this problem than a dull cutter. My Freeborn panel cutter (sharp), would bog down the shaper as well. So this takes me back to a few months ago when I heard a pop with a slow start, initially. Took the switch apart, checked connections, fired it up and it seem to run fine again. I did not try it under load,(raised panel cutter). I took it apart today. The motor seems to turn freely, there is no noticeable burn marks or loose connections on the capacitors. The ext. cord I am using is a 15' 12-3 gauge. I'll be running more 220v circuits this summer. I spoke with someone today who seem to think the run capacitor may be going bad. Delta only sells the complete motor assembly at a cost of about $550.00. So now it's off to the electric shop for testing and hopefully I do not have a 1HP motor hiding in a 3HP casing.:eek: BTW is Delta not making the 43-455 5HP versions any more? They are not on their site.

Chip Lindley
05-29-2009, 12:03 AM
Geez Ron, I wasn't expecting motor problems. But, If you do have a capacitor failing, your 3hp should perform Mucho Betta after servicing. Run capacitor sounds like the problem. The start capacitor does it's job, and the motor spins, but produces little power. Under load, it bogs down or stalls. You may only have 1/2 hp. right now! Not nearly enough for a sharp Freeborn RP cutter! GOOD LUCK! Keep us Posted!

Ron Bontz
05-29-2009, 3:57 PM
Well I took my motor out and had it tested. The place that did the testing did not think anything was wrong with the motor but could not test it under load to check the run capacitor. Two different places locally could not test the capacitor. So I found a place to buy a capacitor. Took mine in with me. I really know nothing about capacitors other than it stores energy. The one I was given reads..MARS2 30uf, +/-8%(H) 440 VAC sh p2 capacitor 50/60 hz The original reads WEG 30uf, +/-5% PO, 50/60 hz, 440v, can't read SH Does this sound right for my shaper?:confused: What does the % mean? It is slightly taller but I believe it will fit.

Rod Sheridan
05-29-2009, 4:13 PM
Hi Ron, the % rating is the tolerance on the capacitance.

It's 30 microfarads +/- the percentage rating.

It's not anything you need to worry about for your motor.

Regards, Rod.

Ron Bontz
05-29-2009, 5:54 PM
Thank you. I was weary of putting it in without knowing for certain. Looks like a test coming up tonight.:)