View Full Version : Powermatic SN#'s & Driveby Gloat(long)

Bruce Foley
08-15-2004, 6:32 PM
Hi Folks:

Can you read age of Powermatic machines by SN#? Have two that start with 79XXXXXXXX.
Is this a 1979 manufacturer's date??

I've been very remiss in keeping up with the Creek lately, but I thought that I would perform a drive-by, not-so-hidden gloat on my unbelievable luck on Sat. Normally, LOML and myself do the yard sale tour around our small town on Saturdays,only takes about an hour or so. Yesterday morning was different- I found a fella moving to Hawaii and was unloading his woodworking shop!! I asked if he was getting out of the craft and how much of a shame it would be to let this hobby go. It turns out that to ship all of his tools was going to cost around $2000, too much for him.

Since this was only a block away, I strolled over about 30 minutes early while LOML was getting ready. This other fella whom I also know as a woodworker opines that another neighbor was packing out a router. Well, we march in and ask if we also can look. Turns out that the good stuff is still in the garage out back. We waltz in there and start slobbering simultaneously. He picks up a fairly recent Bailey No.5, while my eye goes directly to a PM66 in pieces. I ask how much. He says $300. I ask how much for the PM 1150 drillpress: $200. I don't have my checkbook and I need fresh air. I ask him to hold the items while I run (yes, I do mean run, at least as this 46yr old body can.) LOML is now coming up the street to collect her husband. She says "What??" then
begrudingly "OK" as I hop up and down like our 11year old getting a new skateboard.

To end this unforgivingly long story- I leave with a PM66($300, about 20 years old),a PM drill press, 2 new Freud and 3 Craftsman 10" blades, 4 14" jorgy wood clamps,for $540. Later as I collect my treasures, a Leigh 1258R Dovetail jig($40),floor
matting($10), and a new respirator($7) find their way home with me. The guy also wanted to give me a bunch of early FWW, but I felt way to guilty- I told him that we could put them on eBay for him. It really was the least that I could do....:D :D

Bruce Foley
Livingston, MT

Greg Heppeard
08-15-2004, 7:50 PM
I hate these big time, low dollar gloats.... :rolleyes:

No, I gotta say, you got a nice haul there. Too bad I didn't hear about the garage sale in time to fly up and rent a uhaul... :D

Charles McKinley
08-15-2004, 10:15 PM
Yep first 2 digits are the year it is made. Very nice haul and you didn't even have to drag it that far to get it home.

John Miliunas
08-16-2004, 8:16 AM
"Ding, ding, ding!!!" Gloat violation! Great gloat, :D super score :D BUT, no pics!!! :mad: Cripes, bad enough you've lost all your "frequent visit" points, but then you show up with a trailer-load of gloats and no pics! :mad: (Hey, seriously, a great find! Nothing like getting into the "Gold" on the cheap!) :cool:

Tyler Howell
08-16-2004, 9:03 AM
Get him John,

Now we have rules here! There must be something in the TOS about no pix on a Gloat like this. Personally I want to see the ones of Bruce Jumping up and down asking for the check book.:D
Great haul Bruse. Treasures where you find them.;)

Greg Mann
08-16-2004, 2:13 PM
Tyler's right: no pics, no gloat. Otherwise, this is just another urban legend.:)

Seriously, big time jealousy here. This is the gloat we all secretly want to be ours. Did I say secretly? Okay, I'll admit it in front of everybody, I want this gloat for myself.:mad:


Jim Becker
08-16-2004, 2:47 PM
"(Hey, seriously, a great find! Nothing like getting into the "Gold" on the cheap!)
They may actually be green...PM's gold color is a more recent phenomonon...but, of course, as you've pointed out...pictures would clear everything up quite nicely! :D

Chris Padilla
08-16-2004, 3:11 PM
Pictures, pictures, pictures...otherwise, it is all b....conjecture!! :D :D

Bruce Foley
08-16-2004, 4:02 PM
Pictures, pictures, pictures...otherwise, it is all b....conjecture!! :D :D
OK, OK... Pictures tonight or tomorrow. Have to screen off filthy shop. I'm starting to feel guilt now...or not. Must be the green jealousy that I've given off in the past coming back to haunt me. Oh well, I can deal with it. Thanks for all of your kind words, it helps the LOML understand how good the bargain really was...

Bruce Foley

Bruce Foley
08-17-2004, 12:58 AM
Ok, I guess you guys are right-a shameless gloat like that deserves punishment. Well, here you go I hope. (should be two shots)

Bruce Foley :D

Dennis Peacock
08-17-2004, 1:48 AM
Nice score there Bruce.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok...you're off the hook now since you posted pics.

You get to clean up the El-Toro-Poo-Poo you left behind in your post.!! :p :D

John Miliunas
08-17-2004, 8:09 AM
OK Bruce. NOW I can *officially* say I *HATE* you!!!! :mad: That is just NOT fair in any way, shape or form! The rummage sales around here are largely comprised of baby clothes, well-used kitchen utensils/appliances and velvet Elvis pictures! :( Seriously, very, VERY happy for you! Exquisite score! :cool:

Tyler Howell
08-17-2004, 8:52 AM
GREEEEEN! I didn't know they were greeeeen! Had a gold chain that turned that color once:p

Must be using more carrots in the construction these days. Very nice score!
Congrats Bruce.;)

John Miliunas
08-17-2004, 10:20 AM
GREEEEEN! I didn't know they were greeeeen! Had a gold chain that turned that color once:p

Hmmmm...Need to find me an OLD PM and then a new (newer) one and keep them side by side. Something nice about that Green & Gold next to each other! :D :cool: