View Full Version : Question on harvesting buckeye (with pics)

Mark Norman
05-26-2009, 10:15 PM
Since I got back into woodworking earlier this year and the vortex sucked me in I have paid a lot more attention to the trees in the neighborhood (Mountain home w 5 acre minimum parcel zoning).

So yesterday I walked to my neighbors house like I have done many times before and Lo and behold there I spy buckeye on his property right along the driveway. I asked him if I could harvest it and I promised to make a bowl or two for him. he said sure no problem, help yerself.. I'm like WOW!!

I was going to drive me trusty pick'm up the eight hundred feet with the chain saw handy tonight but started thinking (dangerous I know) since its just leafed out for the summer after a wet winter would I be better off waiting till fall when they go dormant to fell em so they would have less moisture?
So camera in hand I walk down to take a look and some pics tonight after work and wadda ya know, there are two good size trees within twenty feet of each other. Both have a bunch of burl. one is 8" diameter and has about ten feet of burled trunk. The other one is bigger and is about 16 to 18 diameter and 12' of burled trunk.

I'm in no hurry as I have plenty of wood to work in the mean time.

The small one first:


And the bigger one,, I didn't yet ask if I could have it but I would bet he would let me harvest it as well if I promise a couple more bowls:D




Yeah,,, OK so its a gloat:cool:

John Fricke
05-26-2009, 10:28 PM
I can see a barren landscape in all Mark's neighbors future.........lol.

They are not going anywhere, Might as well wait to harvest until You are ready to turn em.

Mark Norman
05-26-2009, 11:19 PM
I can see a barren landscape in all Mark's neighbors future.........lol.

They are not going anywhere, Might as well wait to harvest until You are ready to turn em.

I agree. they will stand till I am ready for em.

As for barren landscape, most of my neighbors would appreciate the thinning of the trees some. The telegraph fire last year was too close for comfort!

Check this out from last year:


I could cut for years and not put a dent in the fuel that is trees in these mountians.

alex carey
05-26-2009, 11:59 PM
nice gloat, agreed, mine as well wait since they aren't going anywhere and the burls only get bigger.

Rick Prosser
05-27-2009, 12:51 AM
They are not going anywhere, Might as well wait to harvest until You are ready to turn em.

I don't know if I could stand to wait...

You know what they say:

"A birl in the hand is worth two in the yard." :D:D

but, yeah - better to wait. :p

Norm Zax
05-27-2009, 2:52 AM
That looks like a mighty sick tree. Cut it down quick and disperse the pieces via padded mail envelopes! I'll take the lowest 10 inches ... to intensive care.

Dick Strauss
05-27-2009, 8:27 PM
How come you've got better looking buckeye in CA than here in the buckeye state (OH)? ;)

Mark Norman
05-27-2009, 8:48 PM
Rick,,,,patience.. I seem to have more the older I get. I'll probubly wait a week or three befor harvesting at least one of em just cuz I am dying to see whats inside.

Norm, It is looking sickly isn't it? Yer right I should cut it down so it wont infect the other trees in the neighborhood:D

Dick, Just lucky i guess;)

Julian Nicks
05-28-2009, 9:09 AM
I wouldn't be able to wait either. Take one now, and wait till fall to harvest any others, since the MC is at it's peak right now.