View Full Version : Source for brass powder

Dave Schell
05-26-2009, 7:47 PM
Years ago, I used to fill voids and cracks in my turnings with brass powder. I just recently tried to find a supplier of it, and only came up with this Mona Lisa brand: http://www.in2art.com/art-supplies/metalpowder-monalisa

When I received some, I realized the ad was right - this is "ultra-fine" powder and will probably be too fine to work with. Any one have another source or brand that is less fine? Thanks in advance.

Toney Robertson
05-26-2009, 8:14 PM
It depends on how fine you want it but I have used the shavings off of when they cut keys.

Go to your local hardware store and see if they will give you some or collect it in the future.


Ed Heuslein
05-26-2009, 8:16 PM
Howdy Dave: I've found that sanding a brass rod on a belt sander provides the best colored brass. Use the grit sandpaper appropriate for the size of powder you want. I normally use 120g. Also, you can get key shavings from a key shop. Problem there is they also cut silver colored keys and the combination of silver and brass results in a duller brass. That's why I went to the brass rod. Hope this helps.:)

Ryan Baker
05-26-2009, 8:39 PM
Craft Supplies sells it. But if it is like the copper powder I have, it is pretty fine stuff. I agree with Ed that a sander with an appropriately chosen grit is probably the best option -- though collecting the powder is the tricky part of that method.

Nathan Hawkes
05-27-2009, 1:47 AM
It depends on how fine you want it but I have used the shavings off of when they cut keys.

Go to your local hardware store and see if they will give you some or collect it in the future.


I do the same thing; I've got a big ziploc bag full of key shavings that I use every once in a while.