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View Full Version : adding X3 to home computer

Linda Tetreault
05-25-2009, 12:22 PM
This is a computer question, I have X3 at work, I'd like to add it to my home computer, but it takes over & wants to open everything in X3. I can usually figure out what I need to do in my software, but figuring out how the computer works is another story, you may as well ask me to split an atom!:confused:

I can't really change too much, my husband has macular degeneration & has to use a jewelers headset just to see the screen, so I try not to change his setup. Any help would sure be appreciated.:)

Leo Graywacz
05-25-2009, 12:25 PM
You have to get rid of the associations from the program. Type in association into the help and it should tell you how to add and remove associations from different program files.

Scott Shepherd
05-25-2009, 12:41 PM
Go to "Tools", "Options", then search for "Global", click that, click on "+" next to "Filters", then "Associate". You can deselect anything you don't want Corel to open.

Hope that helps.

Linda Tetreault
05-25-2009, 9:03 PM
Thank you very much, I never would have found that. I spend a lot of time in the help section, most of the time when I can't find an answer, it's because I can't figure out what to ask for.

It's the same with embroidery software, one program calls a process "break apart", the other calls it "editing segment". It makes it hard to phrase a question.