View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments....Memorial Day Edition

Dennis Peacock
05-25-2009, 11:02 AM
25 May 2009

Good Morning and don't forget to honor and respect all those that have served or are serving our country in the service of protecting our freedom.

The only thing that I've been working on besides my day job has been our family garden....well, when it's not raining that is. We've had rain off and on now for about 3 weeks and it's usually more "on" that "off" on the rain bit. We've had plenty and if you need some rain? I'd be more than happy to try and send it your way.

Got the BIL and his family visiting with us this week so we will be a bit busy visiting and hanging out together.

Well, that's it for me....so what did YOU do this weekend?
If you are grilling out today, post it here too so we can all know and see what you cooked up.

Best of weeks to you all.

Jared Minor
05-25-2009, 11:11 AM
Didn't get to finish the onion rack I had talked about. Didn't have any staples for the screen wire. However, a decent size mesquite tree fell in my neighbors yard from rot. Part of it fell on the fence between us, so I got to cut it up. I got to keep the wood, so I started a bowl for them last night. I think I will make them a pen also when I get finished with the bowl. I might be able to get a couple of boards out of the trunk, after I sharpen my chain from hitting some dirt.

Steve Clardy
05-25-2009, 1:34 PM
Had a small family get together with lots of food disposing going on yesterday evening.
Working in shop today trying to get caught up.
Was going to spend part of the day fixing the garden fence, as the horses seem to like that area better than their pasture. :rolleyes:

But its raining so I'm in the shop.

Russ Boyd
05-25-2009, 3:15 PM
Got the livingroom/hallway carpet, door and trim all out, 7 new doors hung, cased and 60' of base in. Puttied all nail holes, knobs and stops on and ready for paint touch up. Then got the pond area cleaned out and pond running and mowed the yard. Like I said before, it sure will be good to get back to work tomorrow!

Joe Mioux
05-25-2009, 4:09 PM
started a new garden. mowed the grass and worked. delivered flowers to the cemeteries, etc....

it is going to be a busy (unfortunately) week for me.


Jim Rimmer
05-25-2009, 9:15 PM
Went to the ceremonies at the Veteran's Memorial Cemetary in Houston. Moving experience and glad to see THOUSANDS of folks there.

Jim Becker
05-25-2009, 9:42 PM
Lot's of horsing around with Elvis (the horse) and a lot of garden weeding consumed the weekend.

Dan Forman
05-25-2009, 9:55 PM
Had to work this weekend, but today I've rough turned a couple of bowls, with another half done and waiting while I eat dinner. A guy has to eat don't ya know?


Brad Wood
05-25-2009, 10:11 PM
took two days off to make a five day weekend. started it off with a trip to the beach for the dogs (long beach WA, allows driving on the sand)... then....

LOML decided to remodel the guest bathroom, which she did most of.
I removed toilet, removed sink, moved electrical light box from wall to ceiling... then...

started my first large scale woodworking project, a new dining table (for us). Milled the boards on my fairly new jointer and thickness planer, got the top all glued up...

then I mowed 1.5 acres of lawn...

then I changed the front brake pads on our primary driver...

then I put the toilet, sink, and new light in....

topped it all off with a nice rib eye on the BBQ

I'm tired. I need to go back to work so I can get some rest :D

Ken Fitzgerald
05-26-2009, 12:17 AM
Our youngest son and his lovely wife have been in the area visiting. Last weekend they were here....last week in the Seattle area and they returned here Saturday.

Sunday our two sons and spouses had dinner with us.

I'm still working on the Martha Washington's candle stand for the LOML. I managed to get the dovetails cut on the legs. Then I roughed the shape out on my bandsaw (Did I mention I really, really like my MM-16?). Using my new Grizzly disk/oscillating spindle sander, finished the shaping of the 3 legs. Then I sanded it for final finishing.

I'm taking tomorrow off. The kids are here through Tuesday.

Wednesday it's back to work!

Nancy Laird
05-26-2009, 12:27 AM
Went to a wedding on Saturday, then took off yesterday morning for a get-away with LOML. Went to Las Vegas (New Mexico - yes that was the first one), saw lots of interesting stuff, spent the night in a hotel that's 127 years old, tromped around in some pueblo ruins, and surveyed a 108-year-old grist mill. Plus we petted some alpacas and flushed a couple of roadrunners. Had a great weekend!