View Full Version : Sewing-room done for today

Byron Trantham
08-14-2004, 5:02 PM
Here are some the final assembly pics. They are in their final resting place waiting for the top and folding wings [wings tomorrow]. All the wiring is either internal to the pedestal or eventually attached to the underside of the top. Each knee hole has a six outlet power-strip. Yea, she IS excited!!! :p

Todd, if I never see another piece of melamine it will be too soon!!!! :mad:

I attached a pic of the wall unit [phase one] and one of the base unit [phase two].

BTW, the yellow cast isn't the camera, it's the color of the walls.

Pic 1: pedestals in place with wiring
pic 2: drawers in place
Pic 3: ready for the top
Pic 4: wall unit
Pic 5: base unit

Kevin Gerstenecker
08-14-2004, 6:30 PM
Very nice setup Byron. I am sure there is a happy stitcher in the house! ;)

It's a good thing we don't have expensive hobbies like sewing, huh? :D

John Miliunas
08-14-2004, 6:42 PM
It's a good thing we don't have expensive hobbies like sewing, huh? :D

LOL! :D Kevin, you're a stitch! :rolleyes: Strange how all that works....LOML has a sewing room on MY agenda, too! I got REAL lucky, though, 'cuz she found some "perfect" cabinets at some super-duper closeout and will accomodate the bulk of her needs! :) I'll just need to add a little bit here and there, then fix up a nice work surface for her. :) BUT, let's NOT forget about the kitchen project....And the ET....And the living room built-ins...And...and....and..... :eek: AND, by the time I ever get a chance to get back to either of my lathes, I'll be thankful if either or both aren't seized right up! :mad: Oh well...She puts up with me, so I guess turnabout is fair play!

Bryon, me thinks you've earned yourself a whole slew of "Tool Points" there! :D Great job! Clean, functional and it looks like you nailed all the details spot-on. I can only hope my next big project turns out even nearly as nice! :cool:

Kevin Gerstenecker
08-14-2004, 6:59 PM
John, I am very concerned about the well being of these neglected Lathes you have in your possession. I will be there in the morning to load these up and bring them to Illinois. I know it is a lot of responsibility, but I am willing to bite the bullet and make sure the Lathes get a regular workout................a seized up lathe is a terrible thing. Heck John............being that I am such a nice guy, I will even help you load these up on my trailer. Ah, there is nothing like a mission of mercy! :D ;) :rolleyes: :p

Jerry Olexa
08-14-2004, 7:11 PM
Excellent work, Byron I think you've earned a lot of "points" doing this project!!

Maybe now you'll take up sewing. Seriously, great work!!:)

John Miliunas
08-14-2004, 9:00 PM
John, I am very concerned about the well being of these neglected Lathes you have in your possession. I will be there in the morning to load these up and bring them to Illinois. I know it is a lot of responsibility, but I am willing to bite the bullet and make sure the Lathes get a regular workout................a seized up lathe is a terrible thing. Heck John............being that I am such a nice guy, I will even help you load these up on my trailer. Ah, there is nothing like a mission of mercy! :D ;) :rolleyes: :p

Oh yeah....A regular martyr, you are! :rolleyes: Well, hate to spoil your mission, but as I went by them a bit ago, I turned both of them "on" and they just jumped to life, as always! :) Yes, they both complained of being a bit lonely, but the bandsaw jumped in and explained the situation to them. Man, them lathes are touchy fellows! :rolleyes: Besides, these particular spinny things *only* work on Wisconsin electricity! :D Nice try, though! :cool:

Kevin Gerstenecker
08-14-2004, 9:38 PM
Oh...............OK John. :( When you walk by them the next time and they spit a spur center at ya, don't say I didn't try to warn ya! :eek:

Another thing to consider too.......................Bandsaws have been known to lie to Lathes..............happens ALL the time! :D

John Miliunas
08-14-2004, 10:06 PM
Oh...............OK John. :( When you walk by them the next time and they spit a spur center at ya, don't say I didn't try to warn ya! :eek:

Another thing to consider too.......................Bandsaws have been known to lie to Lathes..............happens ALL the time! :D

Naw...Don't think so. Not here, anyway. It's two against one and that Laguna knows its place! ;) Now, that TS, on the other hand..... :D :cool: