View Full Version : Can I Have One, Grandpa?

Ed Sallee
05-24-2009, 1:05 PM
What can a woodworking Grandpa say to that?


Jacob Mac
05-24-2009, 1:14 PM
I think the appropriate response is "how many would you like?"

Bill Houghton
05-24-2009, 2:19 PM
What can a woodworking Grandpa say to that?

Great photos. My sons spent a lot of time in the shop when they were young, and I tried to teach good practices. Early education in tool use builds confidence, and I have no doubt at all that it helps in whatever they do as adults.

Peter Quinn
05-24-2009, 3:08 PM
Can't think of a better reason to make saw dust!

Russ Sears
05-24-2009, 3:17 PM
C'mon Ed; she's waaaay too cute to be your granddaughter :D

Rick Fisher
05-24-2009, 3:34 PM
You have a great reason to build things, for the rest of your life..

Steve Rozmiarek
05-24-2009, 4:02 PM
Now that's how you both get good memories!

Cody Colston
05-24-2009, 4:07 PM
Grampas can wear do-rags? Aaaaalllll Riiiiiiiiight!

Ron Bontz
05-24-2009, 4:31 PM
Hey now. I have been wearing those since before they were know as "do rags". Before they were sweat rags, bandanas, and I don't remember what else. Anyway, great pics. Brings back good memories with my daughter. Thanks. :)

Bill Huber
05-24-2009, 4:50 PM
I just became a grandpa 16 months ago and 3/4 of my woodworking has been for the grand daughter, I love it.

I will have to 2+ it on the answer of "how many would you like?"

Those are great pictures......

Ellen Benkin
05-24-2009, 6:40 PM
The best answer is "I'll make one for you if you promise to help me." Then teach her something about woodworking and do a little bonding!

Jim Kountz
05-24-2009, 7:02 PM
Ed, thats really cool and a great way to spend time in the shop and bond with the little ones. Your helper sure is a cutie!!

Ken Fitzgerald
05-25-2009, 12:39 AM
Ed....You are such a sucker! She's got you wrapped around her little finger! Rightfully so Grandpa!

My grandkids are making me a great grandpa now.....

Enjoy the time with her. She'll grow up and appreciate it!

Dave Ray
05-25-2009, 1:26 PM
Hey Ed, fun being a "Grandpa" isn't it? Great pix that will bring great memories later. Enjoy every minute with her, they grow up to fast. She loves being with you from the look in her eyes.

Bob Glenn
05-25-2009, 1:49 PM
My Grandfather and Grandmother came to America from Sweden in 1920. He was schooled in the Sloyd methods of woodworking while growing up in Sweden. He earned his living doing decorative inlays on veneered furniture.

He passed along many pieces of furniture and a guitar that he made for me. I still have all the pieces and a few cherished hand tools that I now use.

For that last few years, it has become my turn with our grandkids. The first few projects were simple toys, however, they are now getting to the age they are requesting Windsor chairs.

And so it goes.........

Tim Byars
05-25-2009, 2:47 PM
That's just like many scenes with my 3-year old son in the workshop, except that what he asks for are the clamps. Give him a few loose spring clamps, and he'll spend all day proudly clamping random pieces of wood together. Makes my heart proud.

John Thompson
05-25-2009, 5:27 PM
Precious addition to the shop, Gramps...

