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sascha gast
05-22-2009, 3:20 AM
ok, so it's been a while, I took some time off from turning and only read, didn't post much at all, but finally got hit with the fever again.
here just a few things I have been playing with.
I did rough turn and core a few large chunks, but they will be ready next year or so.
I started to airbrush some of my turnings, been playing with hollow forms, but I also should be getting my Monster articulating arm this week and then I wanna do hollow forms. airbrushing is fun, that's why I bought it over a year ago, just never really used it.

so here some of my stuff , not much to say, just a whole bunch of pictures, sorry, hehehe


yes this is me in the reflection










sascha gast
05-22-2009, 3:21 AM



and here my little airbrush setup and the computer I use for my 24" plotter


ok, now you know what i have been up to the last month or so.

thank you for looking and sorry for so many pics at a time, I promise now it's gonna be one after the other-ish


Philip Duffy
05-22-2009, 5:21 AM
Wow, pretty amazing and beautiful turnings! Well Done! Philip

Jeff Nicol
05-22-2009, 8:20 AM
Sascha, It looks like you have a very nice clean studio for your airbrushing! I have a couple of cheapy airbrushes to play with until I think I am good enough to go the the big leagues! All of you pieces look very nice and the burls are exceptionally nice! Keep up the great work!


robert hainstock
05-22-2009, 9:14 AM
There are woodturners, and there are artists who turn thier medium. You are one of the latter. Your turnings are beautiful, artful, and totaly lovely. Your fifishes are top drawer, and your shapes the best. Thank you very much for sharing. you inspire us all.

alex carey
05-22-2009, 9:45 AM
WOW, I love all of them, Corrungata is awesome. You really got quite the station set up. Very nice work.

Burt Alcantara
05-22-2009, 10:15 AM
Beautiful turnings, great forms and design. Love your little airbrush studio. Looks like you have a few brushes there. I don't see a cleaning station tho. How do you clean? I keep a bucket nearby and do the dunk and squirt method.

Great stuff!

John Shuk
05-22-2009, 10:28 AM
Nice stuff Sascha. I've always enjoyed your postings of work.
The first pic reminds me alot of a local turner's work. He also does nice airbrush work. I'd say you are in good company.
Keep the pics coming.

Steve Schlumpf
05-22-2009, 11:02 AM
Sascha - Beautiful work as always and well worth the wait!

Great lacquer finish on the first hollow form! I don't know how you would photo something that glossy without eliminating all reflections and if you did that - then it wouldn't showcase the finish! I like the reflections as they highlight the finish! Very nice work!

Really like the contemporary style of the Mahogany hollow form! I know how hard it is to hollow such extreme angles! This one looks great!

The brown Malee just screams for attention! All of the intricate piercing work adds to the already great form! Absolutely love this piece!

You have quite the studio setup! Very nice airbrush area! I already have a lazy susan that I use for finishing - so now I just need the rest of the equipment! (LOL) Seriously - great job on all your finishes! Definitely have my imagination working as to the possibilities!

Looking forward to seeing more turnings from you real soon! Very nice work! Thanks for sharing!

Chris Rae
05-22-2009, 12:08 PM
Truly beautiful work! You are very much an artist, thanks for sharing with us! I very much enjoy seeing your work.

Richard Madison
05-22-2009, 12:40 PM
Very beautiful work. Were you an artist before you began woodturning?

Wally Dickerman
05-22-2009, 2:33 PM
Some wonderful work here Sascha. Your finishes are outstanding. Glad to see you back at it.


sascha gast
05-22-2009, 3:31 PM
Thank you guys so much.

I clean my brushed by spraying into an old waterbottle that has a hole on the side and a few rocks in the bottom, so I just put cleaner, rub and spray into the bottle.

I think all of us here are artists, but wood is the only medium I really ever worked with.

I am a hairstylist by day and a woodrat by night

again, thank you very much guys, glad to be around, I read more than I post

oh, and about 30minutes ago I got all my monster hollowing tools delivered, can't wait to put it all together

Joseph M Lary
05-22-2009, 3:51 PM
What is the wood the yellow colored bowl is made with ??

Paul Engle
05-22-2009, 4:14 PM
Sascha , I really llike the beading and cove work. The air brush work is interesting but really .... not as prominent as the NI pine in oil you did a while back. Very well done on all of it . Thanks for posting.!!!:D

sascha gast
05-22-2009, 9:13 PM
agreed, NIP still rules, hard to get by though.
i am a little over the Florida NIP and want some hawaiian, much lighter in color, not as dense

but I'll get my hands on some soon.

the yellow bowl is also Dunno Wood:D

Toney Robertson
05-22-2009, 10:07 PM

Wonderful collection of pieces that really shows your range. Diverse in form but not in execution.


Bernie Weishapl
05-22-2009, 10:22 PM
Sascha those are all beautiful pieces. I really like the airbrushed HF and the brown Malee. Sascha did you also spray the lacquer on the HF? I just bought a airbrush outfit to try my hand at it.

sascha gast
05-23-2009, 12:30 AM
actually, it's just rattle can Deft, I was too lazy to go and get a gallon for my hvlp and get my guns out.
I haven't used airbrushes for lacquer yet, they are urethanes and I just don't wanna go through the cleaning most of the time, water based airbrush paint is so easy to clean it's not even funny.

for pieces this size, the Deft is ok

Cory Norgart
05-23-2009, 8:19 AM
Wow, very nice, have you ever turned any Ash?

sascha gast
05-23-2009, 9:47 AM
no Ash, it's hard to get good wood around here, I really gotta find a better source. every so often I get lucky though

Barry Richardson
05-23-2009, 10:29 AM
Wow, a wide range of fantastic stuff! Keep em coming!

Mark Norman
05-23-2009, 12:54 PM
Very inspirational!

Thank you for sharing, I only hope to turn out work such as yours some day.

Don Carter
05-23-2009, 1:18 PM
Great work Sascha! Beautiful woodturnings! I cruised your website, it is full of great pics. You are a man of many talents. Thanks for showing your work here.

Tim Cleveland
05-23-2009, 8:48 PM
WOW! I love the variety of styles, that is something that I always struggle with. Mahoganey HF, corrungata, and the walnut HF are probably my favorites.


sascha gast
05-23-2009, 8:53 PM
thank you guys so much

Brian McInturff
05-23-2009, 9:00 PM
Hey Sascha,
I thought you might have taken a break to get married.;) And having little Sascha's running around:eek:. By the looks of some of the work I don't think you've taken any time off. Are you going to Albuquerque in late June for the AAW Symposium?