View Full Version : A request.

Frank Drew
05-21-2009, 9:12 AM
I'm sure I'm in a minority here, but in the interest of those of us who no longer religiously read equipment catalogs, could posters please identify tools and machinery with a bit more information than simply a model number? CU700, CG3065, ("Major gloat: my new RM766 arrived today!") etc.. Those numbers alone, without a manufacturer's name or at least a machine category, don't mean anything to some of us.

Thanks in advance. :)

Glen Blanchard
05-21-2009, 9:17 AM
Frank - You and I are in the same boat. More often than not I have no idea what kind of machinery is being referenced when only a model number is referenced. Heck I don't even know the model number of most of the stuff I own! So that makes 2 of us - still a minority, but not a minority of one. ;)

Ted Evans
05-21-2009, 9:24 AM
Ditto, add one more.

David G Baker
05-21-2009, 9:27 AM
Another minority member. I have to copy and paste the information into Google and occasionally it stumps even Google.

Frank Drew
05-21-2009, 9:46 AM
Nice to hear I'm not alone; I'm all for time-saving abbreviations and short cuts, but there is such a thing as too short. :confused:

Clifford Mescher
05-21-2009, 9:49 AM
Another minority member. I have to copy and paste the information into Google and occasionally it stumps even Google.
You made me chuckle, Dave. I wish I had a dollar for every time I did a number search. Clifford.

Rod Sheridan
05-21-2009, 10:35 AM
Great idea Frank..............I'll try to keep it in mind when posting..........Rod.

glenn bradley
05-21-2009, 10:59 AM
I don't have a problem pasting the mysterious info into Google; it even yields more info that I might enjoy beyond full maker/model info in a post. BUT, I am totally in favor of making the Creek as enjoyable for everyone as possible and will endeavor to avoid vague references and incomplete information. I share your experiences when folks refer to certain hand tools and almost anything "spinny". I find myself staring and a voice in my head saying "a what?". Good thread and a good idea.

Brad Wood
05-21-2009, 12:58 PM
maybe we are actually the majority

Brent Smith
05-21-2009, 1:18 PM
One more here. Like Glen, I've forgotten most of the model numbers of my own equipement. When researching to buy I know the numbers, but after the machine is bought, it becomes useless info to me. If I need a part I'll search my box of owner manuals to find the model number.

I usually skip by threads with only model numbers in the title line.

Steve Rozmiarek
05-21-2009, 1:18 PM
Count me into the movement. Griz numbers really get me. There are just too many to even try to remember!

Brian Kincaid
05-21-2009, 1:29 PM
Moot point because gloats are no good without pictures :D
(Like what cows think... moo-t)

All in fun-

george wilson
05-21-2009, 1:32 PM
Me too. I don't keep up with all these model numbers either,as I already acquired my machines long ago.

Larry Edgerton
05-21-2009, 1:53 PM

Now if you want to see someone that hates abbreviations, my sister is a literature major, president of the Michigan Library Council, and a librarian, and she is always ranting about how abbreviations are ruining communication and the English langauge.


Roger Newby
05-21-2009, 2:53 PM
Heck....I'm doin' good to remember my street address. I know the brand name for all my stuff but if you want a number yer gonna hafta wait a few minutes while I totter out to the shop and write it down 'cause if I just look, I'll forget by the time I get back. Seems the minority is gettin' bigger all the time.

Don Morris
05-21-2009, 7:22 PM
You're right and I'm guilty too...will try to correct that.

Peter Quinn
05-21-2009, 9:37 PM
Count me in. I do the google thing too. The post that really get me are the ones with a G10XX-5Z, or some thing starting with a G and a bunch of letters. No machine type, just a Grizzly product number. Do people actually memorize these catalogues by number? I have read posts asking about tools I own referenced only by model number, only to search and realize "Hey, I use that every day, never knew its number!"

Jim Rimmer
05-21-2009, 10:10 PM
Add one more

Dave Lehnert
05-21-2009, 10:44 PM
ME 19

Get me when people talk about their SS. (Sawstop) but to me "SS" is a Shopsmith

Jon Grider
05-21-2009, 11:03 PM
What?You mean it's not sufficient to explain that my DW 735 sits next to my PM 66 which is directly across from my D 28-203, and that I'm looking for a good used PM 60 and that I'm not all that thrilled with the performance of my twin AFS1000B's and that my 14-651 needs a new 3/8" bit and I forgot to turn off the laser on my C12LSH last night. Sheesh, what could be clearer?;)

Thomas Pender
05-22-2009, 8:14 AM
Because I do the same thing with Google. Occasionally I know what they are talking about - e.g., a DW 735 is a planer, but beyond that it is Google all the way.

I agree that model numbers are not enough and pictures are even better.

Michael Panis
05-22-2009, 9:08 AM
I'm not sure what an RM766 is, but I told my wife I need one!

James Hart
05-22-2009, 10:48 AM
This is similar to people who use acronyms unique to their profession in general conversion.

My wife is a nurse and i used to hate the Christmas parties; " then the guy had a PVQ, and I didn't know whether to SHT or GOB...."


Glen Blanchard
05-22-2009, 12:16 PM
I'm not sure what an RM766 is, but I told my wife I need one!

Now THAT'S funny!!

Clifford Mescher
05-22-2009, 12:31 PM
ME 19

Get me when people talk about their SS. (Sawstop) but to me "SS" is a Shopsmith
When I see that I think of Social Security. *sigh* Clifford.

Eric DeSilva
05-22-2009, 12:47 PM
Why is this a problem? Why would anyone google this stuff?

Just click on the link... If a reviewer is talking about their experience with the new Frobozz 2000 and you can't tell if its a drill press or a handplane, do you really want to rely on that person's review anyway?

Seriously folks, its a long weekend and all, but surely there are far more pressing matters to debate. Like whether the SS is the only choice for a saw. Or whether Festool is worth the high price.

Nancy Laird
05-22-2009, 1:44 PM
Add me to the vocal minority. When I see threads that reference only a model number, I just close it. I'm not interested in doing research on something that the poster could have easily included the information for. And Eric, most posters do NOT put in a link.

Billy Chambless
05-22-2009, 2:30 PM
Add me to the vocal minority. When I see threads that reference only a model number, I just close it.

Same here. I may read on if I happen to recognise the model number and it's a machine I won or am considering, but that makes a VERY small subset.

Glen Blanchard
05-22-2009, 3:51 PM
Just click on the link... If a reviewer is talking about their experience with the new Frobozz 2000 and you can't tell if its a drill press or a handplane, do you really want to rely on that person's review anyway?

Review? Who said anything about a review? I'm pretty sure Frank meant this in general terms - not just reviews. Any discussion (whether it is about a faulty part, how to lift something that heavy on to a mobile base, proper methods of waxing, or even merely its color scheme) will gain the interest of a larger audience if those of us in the dark know what type of machine is being discussed. :)

Alan Tolchinsky
05-22-2009, 4:01 PM
Well Frank, just for that I'm not going to post my review of the MX2340RTXX THAT I just bought. But seriously, I totally agree with you.

Bob Childress
05-22-2009, 4:06 PM
Seriously folks, its a long weekend and all, but surely there are far more pressing matters to debate. Like whether the SS is the only choice for a saw.

I am absolutely certain there are other choices besides ShopSmith. Google it. ;):D

phil harold
05-22-2009, 5:53 PM

ancronyms bite butt too


Jim Rimmer
05-22-2009, 10:39 PM
This is similar to people who use acronyms unique to their profession in general conversion.

My wife is a nurse and i used to hate the Christmas parties; " then the guy had a PVQ, and I didn't know whether to SHT or GOB...."

Now that one made me LOL

Bruce Page
05-22-2009, 10:54 PM
I think we have a movement here!