View Full Version : Using your lathe as a sanding disc station?

Jack Gaskins
05-20-2009, 7:36 PM
Anyone made a sanding disc setup to use on their lathe? I was thinking of making a sanding disc to put on the lathe and make some kind of table to use with it. Anyone have photos of their setups?

Jon Knauft
05-20-2009, 8:56 PM

I found this a few months ago and it's on my project list for the summer.



Mark Norman
05-20-2009, 9:05 PM
Seems to me it would be fairly east to put a round piece of MDF laminated with some menamine onto a faceplate and build a table to bolt to the ways. Whala! an hour job I would think.

Richard Madison
05-20-2009, 9:16 PM
Yep. Suggest particle board though, rather than mdf. Table is tool post mounted. Can not upload picture, as it has already been posted here in the past. Maybe someone here knows how to find it?

Richard Madison
05-20-2009, 9:35 PM
You could search my posts and look for one on 5-20-08. Will go fiddle with the picture.

Edit: I give up. Renamed the picture and it still will not post.

Eugene Wigley
05-20-2009, 10:10 PM
Richard, can you email the pic to Jack? Just a thought.

Thomas Canfield
05-20-2009, 10:29 PM
I made some 9 1/4" disks for my mini using 3/4" MDF with 2" diameter 1/2" MDF on back side and tapping 1" thread using Bealle threader to mount direct to drive. This is a dedicated disk for metal work but works well. The 1 1/4" thickness provides for shouldering out the back on the drive without the shaft coming through. I do not see that the 7/8" hole drilled through is an issue since you cannot sand in the center of the disk to amount to anything. You have to drill a 1" counterbore the dept of the non-thread section of the drive to allow disk to shoulder. I coated the disk with shellac to make removal of adhesive disk easier in future and also harden up the theads.

The threaded MDF disks also work well for jam chucks.

Richard Madison
05-21-2009, 12:26 AM
One more time. Made a copy of the picture to see if it will post the copy. No work. Will not post the copy, and cannot copy the link to the original picture. Guess will try to email the picture to Jack as Eugene suggested. Edit: Oops, apparently no provision for attachments (like pictures) to email from the forum. Seems a reasonable precaution. Maybe tomorrow will change name of picture to something completely different (Fruit Bowl), copy it to another folder (Flower Pictures), and try again. Sorry Jack, just trying to help.

Scott Conners
05-21-2009, 12:30 AM
I make leather burnishers, which are flat "tongue depressors" of rosewood. They are shaped almost completely by hand sanding. After making the first two with just a sanding block, I decided I needed to make a disc for my lathe. I took a chunk of scrap walnut, cut a couple of tenons on it so it can be used with whatever jaws I happen to have attached to my chuck, flattened the face and glued some 100 grit on.

It works really well, much MUCH faster than hand sanding. ;) I don't use a table, but I've thought of making one. It'll probably be made to ride in the banjo and just be wood on a metal subframe.


Scott Conners
05-21-2009, 12:34 AM
One more time. Made a copy of the picture to see if it will post the copy. No work. Will not post the copy, and cannot copy the link to the original picture. Guess will try to email the picture to Jack as Eugene suggested.
Richard, there is a weird behavior of the board that won't let you post a photo more than once. I've asked about it in the support forum and no one was able to tell me why it's not allowed, but here's what I do:
Find the original post by searching on your own user name, right click the photo and hit "copy image location". Then hit "insert image" (the little mountain icon above the post window) and paste the address into the pop-up box. this will insert the photo where your cursor is, like I did with the burnisher above.
I actually started using my personal photo gallery just so I can easily find all my photos when I want to re-post them.

Mark Norman
05-21-2009, 12:39 AM
I just use a host for my pics. www.photobucket.com (http://www.photobucket.com) is the way to go.

Real easy to post in all forums and such.

Richard Madison
05-21-2009, 1:11 AM
Thanks Scott and Mark. Will try again tomorrow. But I should not have to find my original post like I spent 15 minutes doing tonight. The software knows where the original picture is, and should be able to insert it as requested. Mark, have you ever tried to repost the same photo from photobucket? Help with 12" sanding disk on lathe (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=84701)

Edit: Gadzook, seem to have got it right this time. Will try the link and see.

Jack Gaskins
05-21-2009, 5:30 AM
One more time. Made a copy of the picture to see if it will post the copy. No work. Will not post the copy, and cannot copy the link to the original picture. Guess will try to email the picture to Jack as Eugene suggested. Edit: Oops, apparently no provision for attachments (like pictures) to email from the forum. Seems a reasonable precaution. Maybe tomorrow will change name of picture to something completely different (Fruit Bowl), copy it to another folder (Flower Pictures), and try again. Sorry Jack, just trying to help.

No problem Richard.

robert hainstock
05-21-2009, 10:17 AM


When "stuff" was still stamped, (made in the USA) I picked up this addon for my lathe. Picture 1 is the wheel arbor with a #2MT and a wax buff on board. Picture #2 is of the underside of the table shiwing the screwin tool post, and the angle adjustmeny for the table. picture #3 shows the disk mounted , the table in place ready to go. It is a realy nice setup, and it is a shame that no one can make it any more. I got it a lot of years ago, from a small co. in Pa. that is no longer in business.

robert hainstock
05-21-2009, 10:21 AM
I failed to mention that my 1/2 in jacobs chuck is mounted onto the end of the arbor when I'm not sanding or buffing.

Richard Madison
05-21-2009, 2:13 PM
Hey Jack,
Finally managed to edit a link into my post above. In the thread in the link, scroll down to #7. Send me an email (not a pm) if I can be of further help.

Jack Gaskins
05-21-2009, 8:55 PM


When "stuff" was still stamped, (made in the USA) I picked up this addon for my lathe. Picture 1 is the wheel arbor with a #2MT and a wax buff on board. Picture #2 is of the underside of the table shiwing the screwin tool post, and the angle adjustmeny for the table. picture #3 shows the disk mounted , the table in place ready to go. It is a realy nice setup, and it is a shame that no one can make it any more. I got it a lot of years ago, from a small co. in Pa. that is no longer in business.

Thats exactly what I am looking for. To bad they dont make them anymore :(.

phil harold
05-21-2009, 10:29 PM
this picture?


Richard Madison
05-21-2009, 10:49 PM
That's it Phil. Good searching. Note the edit in post #12 where I finally managed to copy a link to the thread containing the picture.

Also did a test tonight on another forum with a different version of vBulletin software and was able to post the same picture twice.

Looks like Jack found what he needed in Robert's post and I learned a couple things, so it's all good.