View Full Version : Rocking chairs Wow

Jamie Buxton
08-13-2004, 1:52 PM
I just ran into this site: www.rockingchairs.net. It is a collective site for a dozen or so rocking chair builders. The work is just awesome. Me, I wouldn't have guessed that this specific piece of furniture could support so many craftspeople.

Chris Padilla
08-13-2004, 2:18 PM
Very nice...I see a lot of Sam Maloof in those rockers....

Jim Becker
08-13-2004, 2:19 PM
Check out KC's rockers when you have a chance...mesquite, no less!

Kirk (KC) Constable
08-13-2004, 2:34 PM
Although I sold four or five of them a few years ago, I gave up trying to build (sell) a 'fancy' rocker...there's too many people doing them and quite a few of them look too much alike. And frankly, I've sat in a few of them and don't think they're that comfy...especially when I look at the prices they want. Several have back slats that are too thick to have any 'give' to them, which I consider a big problem. One day I'd like to sit in a 'real' Maloof rocker, and also a Hal Taylor rocker. Although a different (and original) style, I think Gary Weeks' rocker is the most comfortable I've plunked my butt in, and all modestly aside, mine was a close second. So for now I'll stick to my simple Mission Mesquite rocker that nobody else seems to be building. :)


Jim Becker
08-13-2004, 2:41 PM
One day I'd like to sit in a 'real' Maloof rocker
Just take David Ellsworth's three day turning course at his studio in Quakertown, PA... :D

Paul Downes
08-13-2004, 7:22 PM
Here's another one. www.birdseye-connection.com

Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
08-13-2004, 10:09 PM
Although I built and sold a number of Lincoln Rockers (certainly not an original design) which look really neat, I can't say they are all that comfortable after one sits in them for a while. Sometimes I actually feel a little guilty about that. Of course most of my clients were buying them more for show than actual use.