View Full Version : Magnetized tools?

Andy Sexson
05-18-2009, 9:07 PM
I have made the plunge into turning last week - bought a lathe and an assortment of turning tools. I have started out just turning between centers and practicing basic technique, but I have noticed that my skew chisel (1" oval) and 1/4 inch parting tool have become slightly magnetized!!! They weren't when I first started, but they are now. They kinda stick to the tool rest and I can pick up finish nails with them!! The roughing gouge and spindle gouge are not magnetic and all the tools are stored on the same rack.... Anything I'm missing here??

Jeff Nicol
05-18-2009, 11:33 PM
Andy, What type of steel are the tools made out of? Sometimes if the steel is not quite hard enough ( Poor tempering) the steel will become magnetized through the friction and heat created while turning. Some how the molecules in the steel get lined up, just like after a while a hammer will get some magnetisim, and screw drivers, sheetmetal shears etc. will too. So I think it has some thing to do with the steel, pressure, heat and other things not known by me! I just made "C" grades in physics so some one will know the real truth!


Andy Sexson
05-20-2009, 9:41 PM
They are Robert Sorby tools (M2 HSS I think...) I don't think they were like that when I brought them home, but it happened within a couple of days...all the tools are stored together on the same rack. I don't know what could have induced magnetism....

Scott Conners
05-21-2009, 1:07 AM
This has happened to me too. My favorite Sorby spindle gouge is slightly magnetized. It's not enough to stick to the toolrest, but it does pick up fuzz from steel wool (which I use often) and is quite annoying. I was thinking of buying one of those magnetizing/de-magetizing tools, but wasn't sure if I could fit the gouge in the hole. has anyone ever used one of those to de-mag a gouge?

Frank Townend
05-21-2009, 8:25 AM
Do you have children? :D

robert hainstock
05-21-2009, 10:34 AM
I have demagnetized many objects over the years, with a coil I made myself. (I have four healthy clidren by the way. ) a coil designed and on the market will work. I would however "google " the subject and see what Is available on the market. Good luck!
The coil I made was for degaussing picture tubes in TV sets. When magnetized, they get cranky and go all blotchy.

Harvey Schneider
05-21-2009, 9:52 PM
Tools usually get magnetized by being struck while aligned with the earth's magnetic field. Allowing a tool to rattle against the tool rest might be enough. I have never found that the residual magnetism was much of a bother, after all we do want our tool to stay in contact with the tool rest don't we. Nor did it last very long, tool steel doesn't have good retentivity (ability to retain magnetism). Try moving your lathe 90 degrees to its present orientation and tell us if the problem goes away.
I built a degausser by taking a shaded pole motor such as is used in a cheap AC fan and removed the rotor. When connected to 120 Vac it does a respectable job of demagnetizing. Just make sure that the object you are demagnetizing is away from it when you turn the power off. This modified motor is meant to be used for brief periods of time. It will get hot if you leave it on for a long time.

Dick Strauss
05-22-2009, 12:42 AM
If you've got a loop soldering gun like the one linked below, pass the tool through the loop and the magnetism will be gone. http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062752

patricia stein
05-22-2009, 8:12 AM
what type of rack r they store on. i bought a magnetic bar to store my tools and my big scrapers became magnetic.

robert hainstock
05-22-2009, 9:20 AM
I failed to mention, HF has a resonably priced demagnetizer. When using one of these tools, never turn it off when the tools is in its magnetic field, instead, remove the tool slowly from the field before turning the power off.

Scott Conners
05-26-2009, 6:11 PM
If you've got a loop soldering gun like the one linked below, pass the tool through the loop and the magnetism will be gone. http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062752
Thanks Dick! This works perfectly! I just did a few drill bits at home, I'm taking my gun to the shop tomorrow!

Dick Strauss
05-26-2009, 10:06 PM
I'm happy to have helped! It's always nice to find other uses for tools we already own (though sometimes it is more fun to buy a new tool) ;).