View Full Version : Widening Stickley Library Table?

Ken Cohen
05-18-2009, 4:21 PM
Hi --

I'm thinking of building a library table for office use -- and like many others am a big fan of this Stickley design. Both FWW and Shopsmith have plans and drawings for similar library tables -- approximately 54" wide by 28" deep.

Ideally, I need a slightly wider table -- closer to 66" -- for my intended use. I would like to retain the structural/jointery elements of either design and just tinker with elements concerning width, i.e. rails, drawers.

Does anyone see a problem basing a wider table off the original plans without changing structure or joinery?

Thanks for the help.



Todd Burch
05-18-2009, 4:31 PM
I think you'll be fine.

Ken Cohen
05-18-2009, 4:42 PM
Sorry, don't know if it's necessary, but I forgot to add exploded schematic from Woodsmith website page for their plan.


Todd Burch
05-18-2009, 5:00 PM
A 1" by 1" picture? As if!

Ken Cohen
05-18-2009, 5:23 PM
First, thanks for the advice.

And, oops, 1x1 not all that helpful. Let try that again:


Bob Lang
05-18-2009, 7:35 PM
You'll be fine, the originals came in several sizes. There is a version of the table seen in your second picture at Gustav Stickley's Craftsman Farms that is probably 84 inches from end to end. You're only talking about 6 inches so I would keep the joinery and overhang at the ends the same and add 2 inches to each of the drawers.

I would also build the second version, the one without the spindles. Both versions you show are similar to original Gus Stickley designs. Both originals are in my books, but the spindles are a pain to build, finish and keep dusted after you're done. Also the phony through joinery in the illustration isn't authentic to Gus Stickley, although many of the people who copied him at the time did fake the joinery. What is shown is a complicated way to avoid joinery that isn't that hard to do.

I would also stay away from the drawer frame construction shown in that drawing. Although I like side hung drawers, a simple web frame with two vertical dividers makes a lot more sense. Do yourself a favor and do it right.

Bob Lang

Ken Cohen
05-19-2009, 9:22 AM

Surprised -- and very glad -- to get your input. Didn't realize you frequent SMC.

Bought both your books on Amazon yesterday -- should arrive tomorrow. Looking forward to reading/using them.

Anything in particular I should focus on given my project goals?

