View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
05-18-2009, 8:56 AM
18 May 2009

Good Morning Everyone,
Well, it's been a very trying and tiring past week for me and my family. We traveled to Tullahoma, TN for the LOML Jr to attend the graduation of her best friend and for us to visit with her parents as they are very good friends of ours from when we lived in Alabama. While there and before we could finish the visit and make it to Huntsville, AL to visit my folks and attend my oldest son's graduation, we got a call from my mom saying that my dad was just taken via ambulance to the hospital. To make a long story short, I spent a few days at the hospital with my dad and still attended my son's graduation. Dad is recovering nicely with a new stint put in one of his bypass arteries. The LOML Jr brought home with her, her best friend and I get to make a 1 day round trip to take her back.

No woodworking for me as it's been raining so much and now the yard looks like I'm going into the hay business.!!!! So...since it's not raining here any longer, guess what I get to do today? Fix the mower that my boys broke and maybe...just maybe get the hay field under control so we can call it a lawn once more.

Well, that's it for me...so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Steve Southwood
05-18-2009, 9:06 AM
Spent Saturday working on my Air Filter/ Heat Exchanger project.

Then Sunday spent the day at local hospital, father in law had to have emergency surgury. Doc used big words and name stuff inside, that is beyond me. Should be all Ok in few days. Says he feels better than he has in years.

Greg Deakins
05-18-2009, 9:29 AM
having put peppers and tomatos in the ground on wednesday without checking the weather, I spent the better part of saturday tucking them all in for a frost warning saturday night. Guess that is life in a Minnesota May. We happened to be saving gallon sized water jugs for a few years for no other reason than I felt I had to use them. I cut about sixty up to make 120 clooches, one for each seedling. After installing each of those delicately, the hay mulch I had layed out then got built up around them, and finally a layer of landscape fabric was draped over. Temps then decided to remain at around 35 that night:mad:. Of course Sunday morning I had to remove everything. Last night we cooked around the campfire and I met with a guy about building custom bench seats for old boats he is building a museum around.

Joe Mioux
05-18-2009, 9:36 AM
spent most of the day re landscaping my patio flower beds.

worked on Sat.

Karl Laustrup
05-18-2009, 9:51 AM
Mornin' Dennis. Prayers to your dad for a speedy and full recovery.

Rather quiet weekend here. I did finish up the flag case and will deliver it this week. Now a couple of other projects can be started.

Very cool Saturday and very windy, so nothing got done outside. Sunday dawned clear and calm. Got the lawn mowed and moved my weather station to a place further away from the house. I hope to get better wind readings, both in direction and speed.

Not much on the calendar this week, so maybe I can sneak in a round of golf or two. Weather should co-operate, as they are saying we could have our first 80º day Wednesday.

Have a good week all.


Clint Schlosser
05-18-2009, 9:53 AM
I assembled the Carcass on a chest of drawers made with ash, using box joints. I refinished the inside (overkill?) and while that was drying I made a mug out of sycamore on my lathe. 4" diameter, 1/8" walls using mirror coat as the finish. Pictures are cutabovecrafts.com in the gallery section if anyone is interested.

Matt Meiser
05-18-2009, 10:23 AM
I got a hitch installed on our camper so we can put a bike rack back there. Got everything welded, primed, and the first coat of paint. Also did a little landscaping work and painted the last part of my planer. But I still need to get the base I'm going to use sandblasted and paint it so I can't start reassembly yet.

Jim Flynn
05-18-2009, 2:47 PM
Good weekend in the shop more or less for me...

Helped a buddy, Don, build a vanity face frame and doors out of maple and maple ply. He is quite the carpenter but was more than impressed with using the shaper, feeder and sliding table on the MiniMax. Only took us about 2 hours to dimension, shape and glue up everything and he was on his way.

After Don left I got back to my new entry door. It is a standard 36"x79"x1 3/4" size made from Sapele. The rails and stiles are principally plane sawn and the panels are quartersawn for ribbon stripe figure. Constructed with solid wood construction, shaped rails and stiles, floating tenons for the joints other than center stiles. Hope to be able to glue it up this week after work and start the sanding and finishing to get it done and hung by the end of the holiday weekend.

Mack Cameron
05-18-2009, 3:16 PM
I added to my pen inventory!


From L to R:

Round Top Euro BP pen, Curly Koa, Rhodium/Platinum plating.

Perfect Fit BP pen, dyed Peacock Blue Quilted Hard Maple, Titanium Gold plating.

Perfect Fit BP pen, dyed Amber Quilted Sugar Maple, Titanium Gold plating.

Perfect Fit BP pen, dyed Orange Spalted Sugar Maple Burl, Titanium Gold plating.

Ultra Cigar BP pen, Quilted Maple, Chrome/Satin Chrome plating.

Jim O'Dell
05-18-2009, 3:22 PM
Only power tool I used over the weekend was an electric chain saw. Cut up another downed limb off one of the trees in the back. About 5" diameter at the brake point. Second one in the last 3 weeks, different trees, but both in the back yard. Another days heat in the fireplace next winter!
Played for a few minutes in the shop trying to visualize the changes that need to be made when I'm able to get the new cab saw at the end of the year.
I'm trying to find a way to park 2 saws in the middle and find a place to have the BS next to them.....Jim.

Todd Burch
05-18-2009, 3:54 PM
I got to work on a (not 5, but) 6 year old project - a walnut blanket chest that will be a coffee table. When I made the one I have out of pine, I made a jig for routing out for the piano hinge. My jig is dated 3/2003 - that's how I know when I started the walnut trunk.

I stalled out on the trunk right after I started, when I cut the lid too shallow (on the depth dimension) and too narrow. Idiot me. So, about a year after that, I made a new lid, and set it aside.

And... what did idiot me do yesterday? Cut the damn thing too shallow again. :mad:

So, last night, late, I said screw it, and glued on an extra strip along the back to compensate. I don't like it, but that's how I'm going forward with it. I still need to rip the excess down - the add-on will only be 3/4" wide.


Jacob Mac
05-18-2009, 4:01 PM
I did a lot of yard work, and went to the borg and bought enough douglas fir to build my first workbench. I also got to work on some storage cabinets for the shop. Hopefully I will be able to finish them up this week.

It would go faster if my brother would return my kreg jig.

Don Bullock
05-18-2009, 4:16 PM
I spent another weekend (Friday included) at dog shows. The Greater San Diego Basset Hound Club dog shows and a Basset Hound Club of America Regional Show were this weekend. Our eight month puppies did well and our year old, Miller, finished his AKC Championship. He's now Champion Woebgon's Miller High Life. (our boys are named after beers and our girls are named after soft drinks)


Ken Fitzgerald
05-18-2009, 4:56 PM
I took Thursday and Friday off......I managed to get myself into hot water by starting a job and not thoroughly researching it. If you have 5 minutes, I can tell you how to turn a $200 tile job into a $400 tile and sink job.

Youngest son and his lovely wife from Houston arrived on Saturday. I completed the tile job and we spent Sunday cleaning up my mess.

They left for Silverdale, WA this morning and I'm back at the real job.

My prayers and thoughts Dennis for you, your Dad and your family!

Jim Becker
05-18-2009, 10:30 PM
The only "woodworking" on my plate this past weekend was "trying" to install some kind of locking latch on my younger daughter's bedroom door, but I still don't have the right solution. (complicated story)

Otherwise and outside of mowing the lawn (and having to pull the ZTR out of the mud with the Kubota twice), it was pretty much an equestrian weekend with riding, lessons, grooming, Elvis' first full bath since we bought him and the May barn show where three of us rode. Mixed results since we were all on a "new to us" horse, but a lot of fun, otherwise.

Alesya's first show on Elvis...



Yours truly (in the white shirt) lined up for ribbons after riding a class

Said Ribbon....

Nastia preparing Elvis for her division after mine was done

Nastia riding in one of her classes

And getting a nice second for that class...albeit not smiling about it

Awww...hugging the big fur-ball....


Professor Dr SWMBO doing some tail braiding before the show

And Elvis enjoying a nice reward after enduring a full bath on Saturday

Rob Cunningham
05-19-2009, 11:17 AM
My wife and I attended my daughter's college graduation. She graduated with a Associate Degree with distinction,3.8 GPA, in Nursing. She is going back in the fall for her Bachelors, then on for a Masters. So we will have 3 college graduations just for her.(We also have 1 son in college and 1 son in high school) She will be taking the NCLEX (RN exam) in July and is studying constantly along with working. We are very proud of her and all she's accomplished so far.

Myk Rian
05-19-2009, 12:38 PM
Finished a rose wood domino box, and domino center pieces.

Peter Quinn
05-19-2009, 1:44 PM
I put the last coat of finish on a shaker side table for my new daughters room. Felt a little silly making a shaker style table from mahogany with a ribbon mahogany top, but this one was a quicky and was made from what ever I had laying around and whatever I could cull from the scrap bin at work. Seemed like cherry would have been more appropriate, but the budget was $0.00 and 6 hours, mahogany it was.

My wife had our daughter on Friday at 8:20 AM, 7# 3-oz, all are healthy, though my terrier has been very anxious, I think as a result of her sensing her place on the family food chain has just been bumped down one more rung! I was determined not to use a corregated box as a side table as I had done for the first year with my son. It took a friend to point out the irony when he said "Your a wood worker, you do this for a living, you are using a card board box as permanent furniture. At least put a finish on the box!:D" Its a little fussy looking for a little girls room to my eye, but it will hold supplies next to the rocking chair, and hopefully I'll have time to make something else before she goes to college.:eek:

kevin loftus
05-19-2009, 2:30 PM
Congratulations to you and your wife Peter:), and you will
have lot's to make for her i'm sure.:D