View Full Version : Oneida vs. Penn State Cyclones

Charlie Plesums
05-17-2009, 6:20 PM
I am helping a friend pick a cyclone for a multi-machine shop. The leading contenders are Oneida Super Gorilla 5 hp vs. the PennState Tempest S 5 hp. What worries me is that Oneida seems to be a far more popular brand, yet they are more expensive than the Penn State, have smaller filter area, etc. etc.

What am I missing?

John Keeton
05-17-2009, 6:49 PM
Charlie, there are several threads about Oneida compared to Penn State and others. I did a Google advanced search, and this is the link. You may want to review some of the links.


Jim Becker
05-17-2009, 8:58 PM
Charlie, Oneida's units generally outperform the Tempest in independent tests. And don't be fooled by the filter area...the way the filter is manufactured and how it flows air is what counts. Oneida's product is also made in Syracuse NY and completely customer designed for the purpose by a company that only does dust collection. Your friend might be better served by comparing Oneida to ClearVue as the latter is also a superior design over the Tempest, IMH, but unscientific O.

Jim O'Dell
05-17-2009, 9:13 PM
I agree with Jim B. I wouldn't consider Penn State in the top 2. For a multi tool shop, in the CV line look at the Max with the 16" fan. It would be the better of the CV units for that environment. I'm not sure which of the Oneida's would be the best for that shop, but I'm sure they can help with that selection. Jim.

Charlie Plesums
05-17-2009, 10:16 PM
John, I had wandered around looking but had failed to do a search - my bad. Thanks for the hint. However, this friend is considering TWO 5 hp units, and most of the discussion is comparing 2-3 hp units. Any input on the higher capacity units?

Part of the issue is that my friend has a growing business... all custom work, so still working much like a hobby shop (if 3 saws and 3 shapers and ... and ... and can be called a hobby-like shop). But he is not ready to go with the big outside DC units on a separate pad with a dump hopper into a trailer, etc.

Jim B, you seem to make the point that I have been feeling... that Oneida is the gold standard that everyone else aspires to, but it is hard to show him why he should spend the extra bucks.

Jim O, I tried arguing for the ClearVue due to the design work of Bill Pentz, but he was concerned about how the plastic would wear with full time use, and how it would look to customers who came to "check him out."

Jim and Jim, and anyone else, can you help make the case?

Kendall Landry
05-17-2009, 10:58 PM
I'll try Mr Plesums. I have a CV 1800. With one port open, it filters the entire shop. I used a dado to cut half laps yesterday for about 4 hours. Filled my can twice. Nothing in the filter cleanout. He might not want one in sight anyway, they are too loud. Mine is in an insulated closet. I have pics if you'd like to see it.

Rod Sheridan
05-18-2009, 9:09 AM
Hi Charlie, would plastic be allowed in a commercial collector where your friend lives?

Where I live commercial systems must be made from non combustible materials.....Regards, Rod.

P.S. Another vote for Oneida, dust collection is all they do.

george wilson
05-18-2009, 1:58 PM
I chose the Oneida over the Penn State. The Penn State did not fare very well in a test of several dust collectors by a woodworking magazine a few years ago. Can't recall which magazine. The Penn doesn't have inclined impellers. When I talked to the president of Penn State about the lack of inclined impellers,he copped an attitude,and claimed the test was rigged. I didn't think so,as some of the Penn dust collectors were well rated. That,and some bad service I had with them caused me to get the Oneida,which I have been very happy with.

Jason Raksnis
05-18-2009, 9:46 PM
i purchased a 5hp gorilla from Onieda......2 months ago! And Im just now getting around to installing it. Their expensive, but so far construction seems top notch! I'll post more later when i got it up and running!