View Full Version : Kitchen Table Accessories - *PIC*

Dennis Peacock
03-19-2003, 11:06 PM
OK....I finally got LOML's kitchen table outfitted with the accessories that she wanted. Here is a shot of the coasters, salt and pepper shakers as well as the Walnut toothpick holder she wanted.
<img src="http://home.alliancecable.net/~woodworker/tableaccessories.jpg">
Now all I have to do is get her the chairs made she wants. :)

Most pieces are made from Red Oak with Black Walnut inlay.

John Miliunas
03-19-2003, 11:24 PM
That should make LOYL happy! Nice clean designs on all the pieces and looks like you made good use of small stuff hangin' around the shop. Hmmmm....Gives me some ideas! One question: On the S/P shakers, I notice a seam toward the tops of them. I assume that's for refilling, but how do you have them attached so that the contents doesn't spill out? :cool:

Jim Baker
03-19-2003, 11:32 PM
Very nice set of accessories, Dennis. I love the contrasting colors.

Dennis Peacock
03-20-2003, 12:02 AM

On the S/P shakers.....here is a closer look:
<img src="http://home.alliancecable.net/~woodworker/shakers.jpg">
You will notice a thin black line running along side of the accent "legs" on each shaker. This is a 1-3/4" OD by 1/16" thick rubber O-Ring. The O-Ring holds the tops on each shaker and is very easy to remove and refill each container. The legs extend all the way to the bottom of the shakers and there is a 9/32" cut all the way around the shaker bottoms and this is just enough room to allow the O-Ring to fit properly and all the shakers to sit flat on the table surface.

Clear as mud now?

Dr. Zack Jennings
03-20-2003, 1:46 AM
You have too much free time !

Where's the turned tabassco bottle? Your condiments aren't complete without hot sauce....

Randy Miller
03-20-2003, 8:43 AM
Please don't let SWMBO ever on this forum, I would have WAY too much to keep up with. ;) My wife has been bugging me about coasters since I made the coffee table 2 years ago.

Nice job, keep 'em coming!

Bob Lasley
03-20-2003, 9:31 AM

You're table setting is getting so fancy, I won't be able to stop by for lunch unless I'm wearing my Sunday overalls! All nice looking pieces. Since I've seen the coasters, I can truly say the pictures don't do them justice.

BTW, have you finished that box yet? I'm just about ready to put the finish on mine and soon as I decide whether to fill the worm holes or not.


Dennis Peacock
03-20-2003, 10:09 AM
Thanks Bob......

Now...on your box.....do NOT fill the worm holes.....Leave it as is and put a nice finish on it. I am going to start working on my box tonight.....I decided to make LOML a box for her birthday that is coming up in about a week or so....but I hafta figure out how I can sneek and order some stuff to put the velvet lining in the box for her.

I will post a pic of it when done.

Daniel Rabinovitz
03-20-2003, 12:35 PM
Those are very nice.
Executed well and nice design.

Wayne Cease
03-20-2003, 11:25 PM
Those look really nice.

I remember seeing that project in a magazine. How difficult was it to inlay the walnut? I made a big batch of coasters, maple and bloodwood, over a year ago, but used a simpler construction (at least to me).

Dennis Peacock
03-21-2003, 1:48 AM

The inlay went pretty well and fairly easy. The biggest thing to remember is to cut the dado's FIRST and then cut the stock to fit the dado...leave it a little "proud" of the top surface and sand flat.

Thanks to Bob Lasley.....he's the guilty party for getting me "hooked" on doing inlay work!!! What a way to get a WW buddy to waste more stock in learning a new trick in ww'ing. :)

David Rose
03-21-2003, 6:28 PM
Yep, blame "ole" Bob. He is good for it. :D He doesn't come back at ya like Terry does.


Bob Lasley
03-21-2003, 8:28 PM
I've been married for over thirty years. I've gotten really good at taking blame, so lay it on! :D


David Rose
03-21-2003, 11:01 PM
Terry's been married nearly a "hunderd" years. What does he do? Just take it out on his friends? :D
