View Full Version : Thank You Mr. Schlumpf

gary Zimmel
05-16-2009, 1:28 AM
A couple of weeks ago Steve S. made a post on bottle stoppers.

I was kind of intrigued by them and I got thinking....
Why not.
A quick trip to my tool guy and I was home with a new little lathe.
The staff at LV loved me for the next couple of days as I spent way more there than I did for the lathe.
Glued up some scraps and cut up some scrap QSWO which I have lots of.
The stopper bottoms arrived in the mail.
And the last couple of nights I got to do something I haven't before.
Made a project in one night. Well really 4. Way too cool.
They aren't much but it sure gave me a charge.


Thanks again Steve for the push off the ledge.
This is going to be a lot of fun
But I'm thinking I may be in a lot of trouble.....

Is there a 12 step group on this side of the Creek!


alex carey
05-16-2009, 5:08 AM
Welcome to this side of the Creek, next its going to be small bowls and boxes, 1 month from now you'll think about a Jet 1642, then you'll realize you want to do big hollowforms and you will get a mustard monster.

sorry buddy, but your in what we call the Vortex and there's no getting out.

They all look great, I like the third from the left.


Toney Robertson
05-16-2009, 6:26 AM

Nice looking stoppers.

Like Alex said, Welcome to the vortex.

Take a picture of the bank account now because it will never look the same!! :D


Steve Schlumpf
05-16-2009, 10:09 AM
Gary - Welcome to Turning! We do have a 12 step program - unfortunately it just takes you deeper into the vortex!

Very nice work on the stoppers! I like your designs - not overly ornate and are just the right size as to be usable without causing problems for those wanting to place the bottle back in the fridge.

I agree with you about how much fun it is to be able to complete a project at one sitting! That is one of the big things that makes turning so much fun! The other thing is that for the first time in woodworking - straight lines and right angles are out - curves are what you get to create!

Have fun with it! Looking forward to seeing more of your work real soon!

Bernie Weishapl
05-16-2009, 10:53 AM
Gary welcome to the black hole we call the vortex. It's deep and there is no light at the end.:D:cool:;):rolleyes: Those are great looking stoppers. Sounds like you had fun doing them and it is nice to a project that can be complete in a evening and not months.

John Fricke
05-16-2009, 1:59 PM
12 steps of the vortex

1. While surfing the web you stumble upon a web forum called Sawmill Creek

2. You observe all of the friendly chit chat and view the gorgeous projects submitted by others

3. You begin to think to yourself..."Gosh I'd like to do that"

4. Someone mentions a sale on an innocent sounding midi-lathe. It's only a few hundred bucks you think to yourself. (It's at this point you are in the gravest danger of falling in)

5. You make the leap and buy the lathe. Meanwhile your wife knowingly asks just how much you will be needing to spend on additional accessories. "Oh honey this will keep me happy for a long time" you ignorantly respond.

6. The next week you are placing an order for that great gouge you heard about on the creek.

7. Your skills are improving but you really need to upgrade your tool sharpening equipment. Decisions, decisions...will it be an 8" slow speed with wolverine ot the Tormek?

8. Time to order some better quality pen kits and some exotic blank material.

9. You are ready to really step up the quality of your finished pieces. Time to order a buffing system, and a full supply of sanding supplies.

10. Boy a nice big bandsaw would sure be handy for cutting blanks.

11. UHHHHHHH honey......my new monster lathe is being delivered on Friday

12. Officailly submitting to the realization that you may never have expendable income (other than for vortex related stuff) again.

Mike Svoma
05-16-2009, 9:12 PM
Welcome. I will echo what Alex said. You're in the Vortex now and you're not going to get out.

Nice stoppers too.
