View Full Version : results of Steel Snake

John Frigillana
05-15-2009, 2:44 AM
These were made using the Steel Snake I made. Milo was finished with Tung Oil and Beal buffed, Kou Haole was finished with Danish Oil, Wipe on Poly and buffed

alex carey
05-15-2009, 2:55 AM
great stuff, especially the stuff on the one on the right, nice job, i really like the shape.

Kirk Miller
05-15-2009, 3:55 AM
Hey they look great Keoni......What is a steel snake though?

Burt Alcantara
05-15-2009, 8:55 AM
The snake had very little to do with these turnings. These were made by you and they look great. Nice feeling that you made your own tool, isn't it.

You have a good eye and sense of design.


Steve Schlumpf
05-15-2009, 10:38 AM
Very nice work Keoni! Really like all the extra detail work on the Milo! The butterflies work great as does the piercing! Pretty cool! The textured ring on the Kou Haole adds to the look without detracting from the form! Nice work! Glad to see the steel snake is working out for you!

Bernie Weishapl
05-15-2009, 11:04 AM
Great looking pieces. Really nice finish.

John Frigillana
05-15-2009, 1:31 PM
:)The steel snake is a generic Articulated Arm Hollowing jig that Eddie Castelin of the Bayou Woodturners came up with. It's his version of the Monster Hollowing System and the Elbo System.;)

Paul Engle
05-16-2009, 11:09 AM
Dutchmans, did you do those or were they part of the timber the pot came from? I got some Milo a while back and really like the way it finished up. the sap wood remindes me of Ivory after being high polished . Nice work on the rim.

Mike Stephens
05-16-2009, 1:19 PM
Very nice hollow forms.

Could you post some pics of your snake. I have been kicking around the idea of making 1 myself.


John Frigillana
05-16-2009, 11:31 PM
:rolleyes: Look at my Post on 3/29/09, " My version of the Steel Snake"

Alan Zenreich
05-17-2009, 7:12 AM
His thread actually started ojn 3/22
Nice work!