View Full Version : Unfolding bandsaw blades

John Coloccia
05-14-2009, 12:15 PM
I know this sounds silly, but unfolding bandsaw blades has always been one of the most stressful things for me in the shop. After years of throwing them on the grass, and running for dear life, I finally ran across a blade this didn't work on. I have a 143" x 1" TimberWolf. Just came in the mail. I threw it on the grass. Nothing. Did it again. Nothing. Did it a lot of times. Nothing. Ut Oh.....

I asked around. Nothing. Finally, I spoke to a full time machinist. He showed me the simplest, safest way of doing this I've ever seen. Do you guys know the technique of finding the "free" coil, holding the other two coils, teeth pointing towards you (free coil pointing pointing down between you and the two coils you're holding), and then just slowly twisting the coild you're holding apart? The blade just gently unfolds with a little *Fwip!* right at the end, and done. No stress, no cuts, no aerobic sprinting. Total non-event.

How could I be 35 years old and NEVER known about this before?

Chris Padilla
05-14-2009, 12:30 PM

Was the TW blade in 3 or 5 coils? If you observe carefully how to coil up a bandsaw blade, uncoiling one will go smoother.

That said, when I got my first CARBIDE Lenox Trimaster in the mail, it was folded up into 5 rings! Despite the carbide being protected by a plastic sheath, I still tossed it the front yard and ran for my life!

Now that I've studied the "craft" of coiled up bandsaw blades (into 3 or 5 rings), I can unfold them with no issues.

Todd Burch
05-14-2009, 12:41 PM
How about a YouTube video for us John?

Tom Hintz
05-14-2009, 1:25 PM
I just open the door and toss the coiled blade on the lawn and let it spring open out there where it won't hurt me.


John Coloccia
05-14-2009, 1:36 PM
How about a YouTube video for us John?

I've never done a YouTube thing. Let me see what I can do. It might be useful for someone else. I was absolutely shocked how simple and easy it was, and way safer than tossing and running on the larger blades. I've been bit on the 143" blades when they've sprung open the instant I let go of them using the chuck and duck method.

Of course, I have to learn to refold it first, or order more blades....LOL.

James Hendrix
05-14-2009, 2:12 PM
After years of throwing them on the grass, and running for dear life...

Please don't take offense, but that is the funniest thing I have heard. I'm still chuckling while writing this as I visualize tossing the blade and running :)

I have a pair of heavy leather gloves I use when un-coiling them. However, I have yet to coil one back up. The first (and last) time I tried on a fairly new Timberwolf blade - I snapped it.

Now they just hang on the wall.

Richard Gibson
05-14-2009, 4:16 PM
One of the FEW things I remember from High School shop was how to coil a blade up. So uncoil is a lot easier. I read threads on here all the time that are WAY OVER MY HEAD being just a hobbist. Can't believe that so many don't know how to do this.

James Hart
05-14-2009, 4:50 PM
If you have the set of Tage Frids books he has a great explanation and pictures on recoiling a bsaw blade. It works in reverse to open them.

Russ Buddle
05-14-2009, 5:14 PM
I have never tried the throw in the grass and run method. I just hold and twist.;) Reverse to coil up.

Joe Scharle
05-14-2009, 6:44 PM
One of life's simple pleasures is to watch the bandsaw dance!

John Coloccia
05-14-2009, 6:44 PM
How about a YouTube video for us John?


Sorry for the lisp. I had just bitten my tongue, and that makes it a bit worse than normal. Anyhow, here's how I was shown to do it. If you cut your fingers off or poke out an eyeball doing this, don't blame me. Follow your instructions. The instructions on a Ryobi bandsaw I saw say toss it and run...ROFL. :D

edit: apparently I lisp like that normally too. Who knew? LOL.


Grant Vanbokklen
05-14-2009, 7:44 PM
I've always done the dance too and worried that it might ruin the tips somehow. I'll learn this method Thanks!

Todd Burch
05-14-2009, 8:51 PM
Very good John You made it look super simple. I knew how to fold, but this new technique (to me) for unfolding is great!



Joe Zerafa
05-14-2009, 10:30 PM
Perfect timing, just got a 30mm blade and i was dreading putting it on, thanks for the clip.


Rick Fisher
05-14-2009, 10:48 PM
Love the video..

Chris Padilla
05-15-2009, 11:37 AM
Awesome...now try it with a blade folded into 5 rings! :D

Richard Gibson
05-15-2009, 11:36 PM
WOOD Magazine has a short article in this new issue on this very topic.