View Full Version : Air Shield Pro Parts

Burt Alcantara
05-13-2009, 2:36 AM
I'm thinking of getting the Air Shield Pro. However, I have a question about protecting and replacing the lens, which in time, will get scratched and splattered. What's involved with this?

If I want to get an additional battery, do I need a separate charger or can I keep one charged out of the helmet?

Seems like the best price is from AllPro. Anyone beat their price?


Alan Zenreich
05-13-2009, 5:46 AM

Click here (http://www.trend-uk.com/en/US/trend/content/download_file.php?file=aW5zdF9haXJwcm9fdXNhX3YyLnB kZg%3D%3D) and take a look at page 17 of the instruction manual

It looks pretty straightforward to replace the visor. I got the package of accessory clear visor overlays (one already comes attached to the visor), and these will be replaced far more often than the visor itself.

http://www.trend-uk.com/graphics_cache/c9/8b/22cf0c8eb79cad007cce31753a31.jpg?o=TzoxMjoiRHluYW1 pY0ltYWdlIjoxMzp7czoyNDoiQmFzZUltYWdlRGlyUGh5c2ljY WxQYXRoIjtzOjMwOiIvdmFyL3d3dy9odG1sL3RyZW5kL3Jlc29 1cmNlcy8iO3M6MjU6IkNhY2hlSW1hZ2VEaXJQaHlzaWNhbFBhd GgiO3M6NDc6Ii92YXIvd3d3L2h0bWwvdHJlbmQvcHVibGljL2x pdmUvZ3JhcGhpY3NfY2FjaGUvIjtzOjIwOiJDYWNoZUltYWdlR GlyV2ViUGF0aCI7czozOToiaHR0cDovL3d3dy50cmVuZC11ay5 jb20vZ3JhcGhpY3NfY2FjaGUvIjtzOjE3OiJCYXNlSW1hZ2VGa WxlbmFtZSI7czozMzoiaW1hZ2VzL2Jhc2VfcHJvZHVjdHMvYWl yX3BfM2MuanBnIjtzOjc6Ik1heFNpemUiO3M6MzoiMTAyIjtzO jEwOiJDb250cmFpbkJ5IjtzOjQ6IkJPVEgiO3M6MTQ6IldhdGV ybWFya0ltYWdlIjtzOjA6IiI7czoxMjoiSW1hZ2VIYXNoRGlyI jtzOjY6ImM5LzhiLyI7czoxNzoiSW1hZ2VIYXNoRmlsZW5hbWU iO3M6Mjg6IjIyY2YwYzhlYjc5Y2FkMDA3Y2NlMzE3NTNhMzEiO 3M6MTc6IkJhc2VJbWFnZUZpbGVUeXBlIjtzOjQ6Ii5KUEciO3M 6MTg6IkNhY2hlSW1hZ2VGaWxlVHlwZSI7czozOiJqcGciO3M6M TA6IkZpbmFsV2lkdGgiO047czoxMToiRmluYWxIZWlnaHQiO04 7fQ==

I'm not quite sure what you're asking about the batteries. You can charge a battery either in the shield, or in an accessory external remote battery cradle (using the charger that comes with the shield).

http://www.trend-uk.com/graphics_cache/48/cb/8010cbdcd6062ed32a574590776d.jpg?o=TzoxMjoiRHluYW1 pY0ltYWdlIjoxMzp7czoyNDoiQmFzZUltYWdlRGlyUGh5c2ljY WxQYXRoIjtzOjMwOiIvdmFyL3d3dy9odG1sL3RyZW5kL3Jlc29 1cmNlcy8iO3M6MjU6IkNhY2hlSW1hZ2VEaXJQaHlzaWNhbFBhd GgiO3M6NDc6Ii92YXIvd3d3L2h0bWwvdHJlbmQvcHVibGljL2x pdmUvZ3JhcGhpY3NfY2FjaGUvIjtzOjIwOiJDYWNoZUltYWdlR GlyV2ViUGF0aCI7czozOToiaHR0cDovL3d3dy50cmVuZC11ay5 jb20vZ3JhcGhpY3NfY2FjaGUvIjtzOjE3OiJCYXNlSW1hZ2VGa WxlbmFtZSI7czozMjoiaW1hZ2VzL2Jhc2VfcHJvZHVjdHMvYWl yX3BfNy5qcGciO3M6NzoiTWF4U2l6ZSI7czozOiIxMDIiO3M6M TA6IkNvbnRyYWluQnkiO3M6NDoiQk9USCI7czoxNDoiV2F0ZXJ tYXJrSW1hZ2UiO3M6MDoiIjtzOjEyOiJJbWFnZUhhc2hEaXIiO 3M6NjoiNDgvY2IvIjtzOjE3OiJJbWFnZUhhc2hGaWxlbmFtZSI 7czoyODoiODAxMGNiZGNkNjA2MmVkMzJhNTc0NTkwNzc2ZCI7c zoxNzoiQmFzZUltYWdlRmlsZVR5cGUiO3M6NDoiLkpQRyI7czo xODoiQ2FjaGVJbWFnZUZpbGVUeXBlIjtzOjM6ImpwZyI7czoxM DoiRmluYWxXaWR0aCI7TjtzOjExOiJGaW5hbEhlaWdodCI7Tjt 9

More information can be found on the Trend UK (http://www.trend-uk.com/en/US/product/U*AIR_PRO/2/3/airpro_face_shield_usa_120v_.html)site (the USA site doesn't seem to have much information about the AirShield Pro)

I hope this helps

Jim Underwood
05-13-2009, 7:01 AM
I would advise getting a buffing system and buff the scratches out if the overlays don't prevent the problem. That's what I did with my Triton and it seemed to work. But failing that, I'm sure you can replace the visor with no problem.

But I don't see why the overlays wouldn't prevent the problem in the first place. :confused:

Burt Alcantara
05-13-2009, 10:01 AM
Wasn't aware of the overlays. My other choice for a shield is the 3M 6800 which is a full face mask with p100 filters. I use the p100 filters in a half mask but wear a full face shield over that. The lens get messed up fairly quickly. With the 6800, if the lens is messed up, it's good by mask. No replacement.

My question about the battery boils down to a few things. I forget things a lot so I could see forgetting to turn off the power and running down the battery or forgetting to recharge. Put the shield on the next day and nada.

I have backup batteries for all of my battery operated devices, so, I assumed I would do the same with this. But, I'm not clear on internal/external charging. Can I charge a battery and put it aside, or should I get a separate external charging system?

Steve S mentioned using a non-rechargeable battery pack in his pre Pro version. Is that possible with the Pro?


Ryan Baker
05-13-2009, 8:33 PM
Definitely get the overlays and use them. You shouldn't have any scratching problems unless you take a big impact.

You can charge batteries in the Pro, or you can charge them outside of the Pro. Charging them outside requires buying the charging adapter Alan showed above (or building/buying something equivalent). If you have the time, you can charge a battery in the helmet, then take it out and set it aside for later. But that requires a lot of extra time (~14 hrs per battery), and they won't hold a charge forever on the shelf anyway. I have the external charger and a second battery that I keep charged. When the battery runs out, I swap it for the spare and keep going. I never charge mine in the helmet because I don't want to leave the helmet out of use for a day to charge it.

Alan Zenreich
05-13-2009, 8:52 PM
You can definately charge a battery in the shield, then remove it and insert another battery charge it and run just fine.

The external cradle would allow you to charge an exhausted battery while you're using the shield with the second battery in place.

Burt Alcantara
05-14-2009, 8:47 AM
What's with the cradle and charger? Do I need 2 things or just the charger? Kinda adds a lot to the cost of doing business. Helmet, overlays, extra battery, charger...

Alan Zenreich
05-14-2009, 9:47 AM
The shield comes with a charger that plugs into the wall on one end and to a socket on your shield other end to charge the battery while in the shield.

The external crade is just an optional battery holder with the same socket setup as on the shield that you plug your charger into. You can use this setup to charge a battery without having the shield present. For example you can charge a second battery while the shield is being worn.

If you wanted to charge two batteries at the same time, you'd need a second charger in addition to the cradle.

Burt, if you'd like to talk on the phone about this, and perhaps some ancient Paradox... drop me a private message and I'll send you my phone number.

Ryan Baker
05-14-2009, 10:53 PM
Yes, the cradle is just a really expensive plastic adapter to connect the charger to your battery terminals when it is not in the helmet. Having said that, I still think it is better than the alternatives, so i'd just spend the money and move on.