View Full Version : Sure glad I use free wood

John Fricke
05-12-2009, 9:36 PM
Tonight was not one of my better nights. Had a pretty red flamed NE Box elder bowl in the final stages of roughing when I had a catch, ripped the tennon off, blew the side of the bowl out as it hit the floor. That went to the burn pile. I next mounted a 4" x 18" walnut crotch slab that I was going to make a platter with. I had just gotten it balanced, reached down to turn up the rpms and it split in half. My new Airshield probably saved me a major headache or worse. I never did locate one of the halves. A person can never be too careful around the lathe.

Jarrod McGehee
05-12-2009, 9:40 PM
Good thing you got that airshield. I bet that other piece is in orbit out by the international space station!!!!!!! we all have our bad days.

Greg Just
05-12-2009, 10:18 PM
Glad to hear you didn't get hurt. When that happens to me, I call it a night and go watch tv and be thankful. Tomorrow will be a better day!

Bernie Weishapl
05-12-2009, 10:40 PM
That's when it is time to go get a cold one and sit in front of the TV. Glad you weren't hurt.

Chris Rae
05-12-2009, 10:49 PM
Congrats on not getting hurt! Tomorrow is another day and free wood is wonderful, so are face shields.

Steve Schlumpf
05-12-2009, 11:05 PM
John - sounds like you are well on your way to become a seasoned veteran! We have all had these things happen! Glad you did not get hurt!

David Hostetler
05-12-2009, 11:48 PM
Okay first off, soooo glad you weren't hurt. I hate those reports from folks!

Secondly. I know the feeling after having my first spindle blank simply split and throw itself at my face shield tonight, I decided to take a breaki...

And lastly, are we related?

"If it ain't broke...fix it anyways...that's why you told your wife you needed all those tools. "

Those were words my Dad taught me well...

"My gramps' fav.....If you don't stop, you won't be stuck."

Ah I see, your grams and mine must be the same guy. Mine told me that all the time! Actually my uncles did too... Must be genetic...

John Fricke
05-13-2009, 8:10 PM
Hey David,
You don't by chance have some mennonite blood do you? Hostetler has a mennonite ring to it. If so we could be, my dad's family is old world mennonite.