View Full Version : Burled Red Flame Box Elder Form

Ken Glass
05-12-2009, 1:26 PM
Hey Gang,
I'm looking for your suggestions and comments. This is a Burled Red Flame Box Elder Form I am working on. I haven't finished it or sanded it or even finish turned the pedestal as of yet. I added a cover and stuck a Finial on it just to see what one would look like. Any finish I put on it will help blend colors better between the form and pedestal. How about proportions of the pedestal and finial? Should the Pedestal be thinner? Also should the finial be thinner or longer or shorter? I plan on using Walnut for the finial and ebonizing it as it works well on Walnut. Should I go with an ebonized pedestal as well? It is 6" wide and 14" overall. We will take a better picture when I finish it. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

alex carey
05-12-2009, 1:34 PM
bottom of pedestal should be smaller, finial a bit longer. IMO



Steve Schlumpf
05-12-2009, 1:43 PM
Ken - it's looking pretty good so far! I like the form on the finial - with the exception of the little bulb on the end. If it were mine - I would reduce the diameter of it by half. The only thing on the pedestal is to stay aware of the overall curve. You want the curve of the hollow form to continue into the pedestal and down to the foot. Anything that varies from that interrupts the form and draws your eyes to that area - which is OK if that is your intention.

Looking forward to seeing the final version! Have fun with it!

Bernie Weishapl
05-12-2009, 2:00 PM
Ken it is a great looking piece. I would thin the finial and the base blending in a nice curve. IMHO if it were me if I ebonize the finial I would also do the base.

Ken Glass
05-12-2009, 2:15 PM
I agree. I think the base being Box elder only detracts form the form itself. I think I will make a thinner one from Walnut and ebonize it. The finial was one I had made previously for something else, so I will make a new one with less bulk in it for the top of this one. Thanks for all the comments thus far.

Bruce Shiverdecker
05-12-2009, 6:55 PM
Lookin' GREAT so far.

Can't wait to see it when it's done.


Steve Mawson
05-12-2009, 8:51 PM
I like it now but do agree with the suggestions, will look even better with the changes. Great work. That wood come from around Jacksonville?

Ken Glass
05-12-2009, 11:37 PM
It came from Nortonville. Had you stopped by the shop at Easter, I was going to give you a chunk to turn. Well, I have about 20 pieces, so maybe next time.

Thanks for the responses. I will consider them all and post when completed.

Mike Peace
05-13-2009, 12:31 AM
I really get a lot out of the design critiques here on SMC. Great stuff that hopefully I can assimilate and transfer to my work. When I take something in for show and tell to turning groups I belong to I rarely get any useful feedback on design. Telling someone it looks "nice" or that they like it does not really do much to help a turner improve their design.:)

Jim Kountz
05-13-2009, 12:38 AM
I really like it with the exception of the pedestal. The color or something isnt working for me. Love the form on the main part and the finial though. Great job!!

Ken Glass
05-15-2009, 2:59 PM
Hey Gang,
I'm looking for your suggestions and comments. This is a Burled Red Flame Box Elder Form I am working on. I haven't finished it or sanded it or even finish turned the pedestal as of yet. I added a cover and stuck a Finial on it just to see what one would look like. Any finish I put on it will help blend colors better between the form and pedestal. How about proportions of the pedestal and finial? Should the Pedestal be thinner? Also should the finial be thinner or longer or shorter? I plan on using Walnut for the finial and ebonizing it as it works well on Walnut. Should I go with an ebonized pedestal as well? It is 6" wide and 14" overall. We will take a better picture when I finish it. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

I finished the Burled Red Flame Box Elder Form, Pedestal and Finial today. I took some of the suggested changes and also made a new Finial that I hope will now suit Steve. LOL. I like it much better with both the pedestal and finial Ebonized so as not to draw from the form itself. The picture aren't as sharp as I would like them and the last one had shadows, but photography is a work in progress. I welcome your comments and critiques.

Steve Schlumpf
05-15-2009, 3:08 PM
WOW! Now that is an amazing transformation! Reworking the finial and pedestal made a huge difference! I also like the ebonized version better as it does not compete with the box elder. Extremely nice rework! You should be very pleased with this one!

Dennis McGarry
05-15-2009, 3:09 PM
Beautiful piece of work!

Over it is is great, and I know I could never do anything like it, but for some reason the bowl with just the pedistal stands out as more a complete look then with the cover on it. The cover seems to draw my attention inward to where it sits and away from the bowl itself.

BUT thats just me and I have know idea what I am talking about, just ask the Loml

Don Carter
05-15-2009, 9:07 PM
Wow! Now that is beautiful Ken! I cannot believe the difference.

Richard Madison
05-15-2009, 9:16 PM
Much, much better Ken! Like the thinner pedestal foot, smoother blend from pedestal to hf, more delicate finial, and both p. and f. ebonized. A very nice piece now.

George Morris
05-15-2009, 9:51 PM
Wow I really like the final pc. Loks great!! G

Ken Glass
05-16-2009, 9:53 AM
Thanks for your comments on the rework, and again to those who made suggestions.

Forms with pedestals and finials sure seem like they could be addicting. I still need to get Cindy Drozda's video and see how she sharpens her finial making tools. I bought a P&N 5/16" Detail gouge, but have yet learned how to sharpen it properly to get even smaller detail cuts. As always, this craft is a work in progress.

Steve Mawson
05-17-2009, 12:43 AM
I can't hardly believe the difference. You knocked it out of the park on the rework. Really nice.