View Full Version : making razors for fathers day

Chris Haas
05-10-2009, 8:59 PM
i'm trying to do some homework before i make my purchases, i'm going to use the goldennib for the hardware, now my question is what do you guys think about deer antler or waterbuffalo horn for the handles. in the new csusa catalog the water buffalo horn is said to be moisture resistant. that sounds like a must for a razor. only problem is if i go and make the badger hair shaving cream brush, i dont think i will be able to find a large enough piece of water buffalo horn to make it look right, csusa says they are only 3/4 inch dia. so what do you guys think.

Don Carter
05-10-2009, 9:47 PM
I have made some of the brush handles and I think that will be too small. You could make the razor handle from the buffalo horn and then make a brush handle of something like cocobolo. I am sure he is going to love them. Let us know what you end up making.