View Full Version : You guys have got to stop.....

Jim Underwood
05-08-2009, 12:28 PM
The other day someone pointed out a good deal on a Trend Airshield Pro. It was so good, I couldn't pass it up. So I ordered one that day...

Just yesterday someone else pointed out a screamin' deal on a 2 HP Jet 1642 EVS...
The deal was so good I couldn't pass that up either. So I ordered one this morning. (yikes!- so much for saving up for that VicMarc)

Now I need to buy some chucks or adapters to fit the new spindle size...

You guys have got to stop this. I'll be in hock for the next 20 years...:o

Ken Fitzgerald
05-08-2009, 12:30 PM
Quit your whining!:rolleyes: Get back to buying!:)

Welcome to the Vortex!:D

Steve Frederick
05-08-2009, 12:46 PM
Oh, I feel it too!:eek:
The recent posting about Jet Lathes on sale had me thinking about charging on that card that I finally got paid off!:mad:
I have a shop full of finished turnings..maybe I should sell some?

David Christopher
05-08-2009, 12:54 PM
how does it feel to be broke.............it only gets worse

Jim Underwood
05-08-2009, 1:45 PM
And to top it off there's a deal on Oneway Talons going on.... What's a guy to do?:(

Kirk Miller
05-08-2009, 2:05 PM
Somehow I mustered the strength to pass on the smoking deal on Jet lathes. I have told myself that I would upgrade my lathe once I found a new house with a dedicated shop space. Plus the local turners group is raffeling off a Jet 1642. I bought tickets so that should make me a sure bet for winning it...........lol

Eric Henry
05-08-2009, 2:43 PM
Hey there Kirk, I've got a few tickets for that same raffle. I am new to turning, but just couldn't pass up the opportunity on that Jet. I am considering joining the Alaska Woodturner's Association, so maybe will see you around.

David Walser
05-08-2009, 4:33 PM
I have a shop full of finished turnings..maybe I should sell some?

Maybe you'll qualify for some of them thar stimulus money the governm'nt been givin' out! Is a turner's business ever too big to fail?

Bernie Weishapl
05-08-2009, 5:49 PM
Jim welcome to the black hole of turning.:eek::D:rolleyes::cool:

Tim Cleveland
05-08-2009, 7:02 PM
And to top it off there's a deal on Oneway Talons going on.... What's a guy to do?:(
Just bite the bullet and get it, I doubt it will be all that painful.


Kirk Miller
05-08-2009, 7:13 PM
Hey Eric GOod luck in the raffle. I hear there is a nice second prize too. I think I have this thing wrapped up. I am due. OK I suck at raffles.......lol But everyone has to win sometime.
You really should consider joining the AK woodturners. There is a TON of experience there. They all seem like great people too. I have only been to two Funtions of their so far but have enjoyed them both. I plan on taking some of their beginning woodturning classes next year. They are free to members so I figured I would go learn what my bad habits are........lol

Jim Kountz
05-08-2009, 8:33 PM
And to top it off there's a deal on Oneway Talons going on.... What's a guy to do?:(

Buy buy buy!! Heck its only money, they'll print more!!

Steve Schlumpf
05-08-2009, 9:21 PM
Jim - congrats on your new Trend Pro! Been thinking about upgrading! Also, congrats on your new Jet 1642! You will love it! As far as a chuck - I am sure you will get lots of good advice, so it will be a tough decision, but I have the Talon and can not imagine a better chuck! Good luck with your decision! Looking forward to seeing photos of the lathe once it arrives! Congrats!

Mike Peace
05-09-2009, 6:03 PM
Jim, if you don't have the place for your lathe cleaned out, 220 run, and have the 220V plug to wire up before your lathe arrives, shame on you. I know you will enjoy that 1642.

Bruce Shiverdecker
05-09-2009, 8:58 PM
Don't blame US.----------------------THAT's the VORTEX for ya!


Jarrod McGehee
05-09-2009, 9:02 PM
where's the deal for the airshield because I've got to buy one too.

Jim Underwood
05-09-2009, 10:00 PM
The best deal I could find on the Airshield Pro was over at AllProTools.com

Jim Underwood
05-09-2009, 10:06 PM
Jim, if you don't have the place for your lathe cleaned out, 220 run, and have the 220V plug to wire up before your lathe arrives, shame on you. I know you will enjoy that 1642.

Geezzzz.... Pile on the guilt Mike..:D

I cleaned up a little today, but I'm trying to get ready for a sharpening and tool making workshop Sat 16th. I'm doing a presentation (or two) and I'm also in charge. To top it off, I have a demo on Saturday 23rd too! Like as not, the darn thing will show up while I'm out of town for some training...

there's NO WAY I'll be ready in time...:(

It's all good though, I'm having a blast. :cool:

Hey, I just realized that I'll have no need for my Jet Mini's bed extension now... Oooh. One more thing I can get out of the shop....

(Now if I can just get those other two old lathes out also.)