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View Full Version : Wood engagement ring

Kyle Jorgensen
05-03-2009, 2:43 AM
I am considering making a wood engagement ring. I have read a couple threads, but I am still unclear which options to utilize and how. I am thinking that some sort or ply system would be best.

I initially thought of turning a solid piece, face grain, which would yield (if one looked at it through the hole) two sides with long grain and a top and bottom with very short grain. To deal with the weakness of the short grain, I would then inlay a narrower veneer around the circumference, with the veneer joint on a long grain side. Would this result in a ‘strong’ enough ring? I don’t need it need to take abuse for 60 years, but I do want it to be sturdy.

I have read about people using multiple layers when making napkin rings. This peaked my interest. I visualize gluing up many concentric layers of veneer strips with alternating joints. Is this what some people are talking about? I have also read about angling the grain at various degrees (0 to 45) to add even more stability. Does anyone have some procedures to do this? I am a very visual person if anyone could share some close-up pics.


Rasmus Petersen
05-03-2009, 3:15 AM
i do rings on order, and make both kind.. but for the ones that are to be used i mostly do laminated. 3 pices rotated to give the pice strength...

i can (when i have a littel time) post a how to on the way i do mine...

Burt Alcantara
05-03-2009, 8:16 AM
What? You didn't go to Jared?

Chris Haas
05-03-2009, 9:02 AM
if its going to be an actual engagement ring, i dont care how many pieces are laminated or what the grain orientation is, when she throws it at you because it doesnt have a diamond in it, its gonna break. chics dig diamonds. no matter what they say. you've got some sand if your going to try a wooden engagment ring. good luck

curtis rosche
05-03-2009, 9:38 AM
because of what Chris said, make sure to glue on some rock

Curt Fuller
05-03-2009, 10:06 AM
if you've found a woman that will accept a wooden ring for her engagement, she's worth the biggest diamond you can afford.

Steve Schlumpf
05-03-2009, 10:33 AM
I have to jump on board with Curt here!

If you managed to find a woman who loves wood so much that she would accept it as an engagement ring .......... well, actually, I am at a loss for words because this shocks me so much! All I can think of is you better grab onto her and hold tight as she sure sounds like a keeper!!!

Best of luck with the ring! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

John Fricke
05-03-2009, 10:38 AM
You better contact Dewey....He could instruct you on how to do a diamond dust inlay.

Scott Conners
05-03-2009, 11:08 AM
The pics on this page might help: http://www.touchwoodrings.com/index.html

Generally at least 3 layers, with the grain at 90 degrees to each other for strength.

If I gave my girlfriend a diamond engagement ring, it would probably be turned down...we both agree diamonds are much over hyped, even when you can be sure you aren't buying blood diamonds. Many of the colored gemstones are much rarer and more beautiful.

Rasmus Petersen
05-03-2009, 11:49 AM
Load of horse crap... I you have to bribe her with diamonds she not worth the effort! and if done right hand made even by the giver himself is more worth than what any number of diamonds are worth..

I have done 4 custom sets so far and all of them have hit home with the ladies they where ordered for..

You can always save the diamond for when you forget your wedding day or when you spend Way to much on a new lathe...

Scott : Thats the way i do the ones that are to last.. 90 degre shift min 4 layers.. and use something strong and fleible .


This is one i did for a dude a few months ago..

Roger Wilson
05-03-2009, 12:13 PM
Here are links to a few videos on bracelet making. Not rings, but the same principles should apply. Photos as you go along would make for a nice thread. I think everyone has thought about making rings and bracelets at some point.



goto www.woodworkingchannel.com (http://www.woodworkingchannel.com), select videos | AAW | Stephen Gleasner

Kyle Jorgensen
05-03-2009, 6:12 PM
Well, yeah I am considering using a ring I make as the actual engagement ring. I know it seems pretty different. She and I have talked about the arbitrary prices of diamond rings before. She also made a point to show some wood rings she saw for sale and let me know how much she loved ‘em. I’m not planning on wood wedding rings. Maybe I’m being too cavalier, I don’t know. I thought it was a pretty good idea.

I found this ‘how-to’ that show what I am thinking: http://www.woodturningonline.com/Turning/Turning_content/ring/wood-ring.html
I have yet to decide on the species. Any thoughts?

Kyle Jorgensen
05-03-2009, 6:20 PM
Hey I really like that. How durable would you say it is?

Ryan Baker
05-03-2009, 8:33 PM
It might work in Denmark, but in the States, a wooden engagement ring is a good way to get rid of her! There is a time and place for those "lovingly hand-crafted from the heart" type of gifts, and an engagement ring is the farthest from that that you can get.

Roger Wilson
05-03-2009, 8:38 PM
It might work in Denmark, but in the States, a wooden engagement ring is a good way to get rid of her! There is a time and place for those "lovingly hand-crafted from the heart" type of gifts, and an engagement ring is the farthest from that that you can get.

Only money would preclude gluing diamonds, or some other stone into a wooden ring.

alex carey
05-03-2009, 10:47 PM
Personally I love the idea of a wood ring. Stones are over rated, especially if you don't know who your getting it from, the whole blood diamond thing.

I can't say I know many girls who would be "ok" with getting a wooden ring though.


john taliaferro
05-04-2009, 9:06 AM
this should be kept in the family. johnt

David Walser
05-04-2009, 11:22 AM
I love wood, but I'd never consider using wood for an engagement/wedding ring. The issue is not cost; the issue is what the ring is supposed to symbolize. A ring has no beginning nor end. This makes the ring a perfect symbol for a relationship -- marriage -- intended to last forever (having no end), or, if you prefer, will last until death (which, in human terms, is the next best thing to forever).

Making the ring from a material, such as wood, that is subject to corruption and will not last forever is inconsistent with the ring's symbolism of "forever". For this reason, wedding bands should be made of gold, platinum, or some other metal that will not tarnish and for all intents and purposes will last forever.

On the other hand, if the marriage is only expected to last for five years, wood seems perfectly appropriate. If the marriage is taking place in Hollywood, perhaps a nice heavy bond paper...

Mark Burge
05-04-2009, 1:59 PM
Kyle, I gave my wife an engagement ring from a gumball machine when the order for the diamond got mixed up and wasn't right on the day I planned to pop the question. Of course, I backed it up with the diamond pretty soon afterward. Now that ring has a place of honor in a small wooden box I made. She still wears the diamond. The story has become part of our relationship lore.

Oh, and for what it's worth, only guys have responded to this thread. You might run this by some women, just to be sure.

- best of luck, Mark

Dan Hilbelink
05-04-2009, 10:31 PM
I actually used a tagua nut for the engagement ring. Did this for the surprise but could still go get the ring she wanted. Worked out great, I got the surprise, she picked a ring I probably would not have chosen. I thought too small and could not convince her otherwise. Been 6 years and 2 kids and she picked great in my opinion and I did as well for sure:). She wore the original for a while even after getting the diamond, but we didnt think it would last without some sort of finish/sealer. We still consider that the engagement ring and it sits on the ring holder to this day. I got a lot of respect from family for it as well. Guess I did not find that only a diamond was needed.