View Full Version : Question....When Does?

Jim Glock
04-28-2009, 8:03 PM
When does 'the shop' turn into 'the studio'? :confused: jg

Larry Marley
04-28-2009, 8:21 PM
Don't go there...
Be strong...

Ryan Baker
04-28-2009, 8:23 PM
When people start paying you more than your stuff is worth.

phil harold
04-28-2009, 8:32 PM
I thought it was when you have a refrig, stove and bed within arms reach of the lathe

Gary Max
04-28-2009, 9:16 PM
About 7 years ago------:D

04-28-2009, 9:29 PM
When "copied" turns into "inspired by"...

Curt Fuller
04-28-2009, 9:31 PM
Hopefully, never.

I'm still waiting for the garage to turn into the shop.

Jim Underwood
04-28-2009, 10:11 PM
As soon as you clean it up enough to have visitors in formal dress attire?:cool:

Steve Schlumpf
04-28-2009, 10:28 PM
When customers start referring to your turnings as 'Art'.

David Christopher
04-28-2009, 10:29 PM
Hopefully, never.

I'm still waiting for the garage to turn into the shop.

I'm with Curt

Burt Alcantara
04-28-2009, 10:39 PM
When you leave the area not covered in dust.

Jim Underwood
04-28-2009, 10:47 PM
When all your cabinets, doors, and tools have handles as fancy as your gallery turnings, and your walls are not only insulated, they are paneled or sheetrocked, your floor is hardwood (hey- I got that much!) and your picture window looks out over the Grand Tetons or something picturesque...

Jim Underwood
04-28-2009, 10:51 PM
Or maybe when you just start calling it your studio... "Hey, come on out to my studio!"

Course then you have to deal with raised expectations...

I would have to practice my excuses...

"Durn! Looks like an explosion went off in here. It was clean and organized when I left it".

"Oh that kid of mine! I let him use the studio for a few hours and look what happens..."

"Blasted thieves! Always trashing the place!"

"This wood just seems to multiply and stack up everywhere- think it's the water?"


alex carey
04-28-2009, 11:42 PM
I cant remember who said this.

A one car garage dedicated to turning is a workshop and and two car garage dedicated to turning is a studio.

Rasmus Petersen
04-29-2009, 1:11 AM
I cant remember who said this.

A one car garage dedicated to turning is a workshop and and two car garage dedicated to turning is a studio.

Dang then i will never have a studio.. i have ½ a cargarage.. and no room to expand...

Ken Fitzgerald
04-29-2009, 1:14 AM
With my turning skills as they are...I"ll never know!:cool:

Jim Kountz
04-29-2009, 1:48 AM
Ah silly turners, a studio is where you record music. Right? Isnt it? Hhmmmm

Phillip Bogle
04-29-2009, 5:24 AM
A studio is and allocated space where a male of unspecified age, lives by himself. One room and a bath. The reason some call their "shop" a "studio" is that the "Mrs." got tired of the vortex and threw him and his D___N tools out. Typically this arrangement has Her keeping the kids, dog, house and money. Thus he had to have a place for the tools, and a studio was plenty big enough for everything that mattered or could afford. Now he has a place to live, create woodworking masterpieces and hold 12 step meetings, all in one. The reason it is common for this man in the studio to be called and "artist" is that he no longer has a wife to interrupt that creative aura surrounding him, and his projects are of his inspired design and not Her demands. Furthermore, since he is now also penniless due to child support and alimony, it doesn't take a genius to surmise he HAS to be an artist. Plus it should be safe to presume due to his lack of a domestic partner he no longer has a decent meal so, he must be starving. This would be further proof the man is an artist living in a studio. Those poor souls that still have a wife and a studio are in transition or mere wannabes. :D

Any other mysteries of life you wish to have explained?

Thom Sturgill
04-29-2009, 8:40 AM
A studio is an enclosed space where an artist plies his trade.

If you ever visited a painter's studio, they're generally a mess with paint splatterings everywhere and not the sterility of a gallery! A place of work, because art IS work. This is also true, in their own way, of every potters studio, sculpturers studio, luthiers workshop, or even recording studio that I have ever visited.

So your 'shop' becomes a 'studio' when you think of yourself as an 'artist' rather than as a 'woodworker'. (Or at least think of your output as 'art'). I think this is an easier transition for a turner to do than for a woodworker doing flat work, but there are many 'artists' in that field also.

Steve Frederick
04-29-2009, 9:47 AM
I decided to set the bar, then work to my way up to it.
I hope I have enough time..:rolleyes:

Richard Madison
04-29-2009, 1:49 PM
When you get a segment on "That's Clever" tv show.

Mike Minto
04-29-2009, 2:04 PM
my workspace is too small to be either - the wife calls it my 'hut'. mike :p

David Hostetler
04-29-2009, 2:16 PM
I'm with Thom on this...

I got into woodworking as an extension / continuation of the arts. (I paint, and play bass as well).

I think for me, when I finally insulate it, and add heat / AC, okay at least the AC, it will THEN be a studio.

So the work that comes out of my soon to be studio can best be described as abstract... So what?

Jim Underwood
04-29-2009, 2:18 PM
The reason some call their "shop" a "studio" is that the "Mrs." got tired of the vortex and threw him and his D___N tools out.

I know a guy like that. He now turns in his living room, sweeps the shavings up and burns 'em in the fireplace.... Some of you know the guy....

Jim Glock
04-29-2009, 6:11 PM
OK...thanks so much for clearing this up. I've always wondered....:rolleyes:

curtis rosche
04-29-2009, 8:44 PM
when your shop looks like the Picture in the one turners signiture line. I cant remember his name.

Tony Kahn
04-29-2009, 8:49 PM
I think it is when instead of seeking out people to sell your stuff to, they seek you out to buy your stuff.

sean m. titmas
04-29-2009, 8:55 PM
when you start walking around barefoot and shirtless in a pair of white overalls.

jim carter
04-29-2009, 10:32 PM
As soon as you clean it up enough to have visitors in formal dress attire?:cool:

that will only happen when i hit the lottery. then i can pay someone to clean my shop. until then, i just wear my waders.