View Full Version : Good deal? Need a little coaxing

Craig D Peltier
04-28-2009, 6:02 PM
I need a little coaxing so say heck yeah great deal if it is so.
I can get a 3hp woodtek shaper with sliding table for $800 ( retails for 1950 new) This one is from 1998 and has had very light use.The freud set below isnt even open.

and this freud set for $200


So really good or just so-so?

Also im going back for a 3hp woodtek DC 2 bagger right now with hundred feet of hose or so for 325 plus a bunch of blast gates etc.


Chip Lindley
04-28-2009, 8:03 PM
I use a Woodtek 3hp shaper from the '90s (no slider) and paid $400! That was ONE heckuva deal! It's the smoothest running of all my shapers (Rockwell, Powermatic, Moak, Davis&Wells) If you really need a shaper, GO FOR IT! Especially with the Freud cutter set included! Thats a REAL PERK!

Craig D Peltier
04-28-2009, 10:29 PM
Is a shaper capable of holding 1/2" router bits via adapter?

I think im going to buy it.

Chip Lindley
04-28-2009, 11:31 PM
Peter, my Woodtek shaper included factory 1/2" router bit spindle/holder, plus 1/2", 3/4" and 1" shaper spindles. Yours should too, unless the seller has otherwise misplaced them. Ask the seller what is included!