View Full Version : Light fast dyes

Prashun Patel
04-28-2009, 11:15 AM
I have a non ww question that you experts might have an answer to:

My company manufactures fragrance oils. We've recently been asked to dye some of our oils. We're having trouble finding light-fast dyes for this application. That is, the typical oil-based dyes we use to dye opaque candle wax seem to bleach out in a week or so in a clear oil-based system.

Any recommendations on a light-fast, oil soluble dye are HIGHLY appreciated.

Thanks, Shawn!

Jamie Buxton
04-28-2009, 5:32 PM
Okay, I'm a wood guy, so the only dye knowledge I have is wood stuff. Have you tried TransTint fluid dye? It is pigment particles in a solvent which is compatible with water, oil, and alcohol. I've applied it to furniture with alchohol, and used it as a toner in waterborne lacquer. In both of those applications, it has stayed color-stable for years.

Al Navas
04-28-2009, 7:37 PM
Call Lockwood, in New York:

Customer Service Phone: 212.966.4046
TOLL FREE Number: 866.293.8913
