View Full Version : First Time Buffer

Chris Jenkins
04-27-2009, 10:25 PM
So I'm thinking I have a problem with my buffing adapter from Don Pencil, maybe you guys can help me out?

I bought a Buffing Kit from Don Pencil at a woodturning show a year or so ago and I am just getting to break it out this past weekend. I put the long aluminum adapter on my 3520B so I could buff out a spoon that took a twirl around the garbage disposal and noticed that the tapped aluminum adapter is REALLY out of true. I was using some white diamond and a hard buffing wheel (not part of the kit I bought), but once I turned off the lathe I could see the buffing wheel was only being worked in one small section of the wheel.

Now I don't expect this aluminum adapter to be dead nuts accurate since you are pressing a piece of wood up against a soft cloth and it should conform to the shape a bit, but this was a concern to me.

Can anyone tell me if they have similar problems? I am getting ready to buff my first segmented bowl (maybe not buff it now?) and I am not sure if I should be using this buffing kit now. Maybe I should talk with Don Pencil? Anyone know a "safe" spec on how out of round this thing can be?



BTW, the spoon is fully repaired! I've done this before and nothing like a needle file and some buffing compound to clean it up, way cheaper then replacing a set or cutting your lip open when eating your cereal in the morning...

Ryan Baker
04-27-2009, 10:38 PM
It sounds like something is not right, but first you need to figure out if it is the adapter or the buff. If you take the buff off and spin just the adapter, does the adapter run just as far off (or is it the buff that is off)? You could also put one of the Pencil buffs on it and see if you get the same results. A little wobble is probably to be expected, but not much.

Chris Jenkins
04-27-2009, 11:08 PM
Well don't I feel stupid. I went down in the shop to actually measure how severe the damage is here when I realize I have one of those "no-lock" plastic washers on between the headstock and adapter piece of the buffing system. I took the washer off and I have less then about 1/32" out. When I put the washer back on I am over 1/16" if not 3/32".

I will make sure the washer is NOT on anymore when buffing. I don't see this type of issue when I am using the faceplate or 4-jaw chucks though, which is strange?

None the less seems like an issue that is fixed.
