View Full Version : Two new bowls and an extra....

Joshua Dinerstein
04-26-2009, 11:59 PM
Here are the two bowls I turned today. Both came from wood I found/got for free from neighbors and junk piles. The one piece is just beautiful with sap wood and a really dark heart wood. The other stuff has a good grain pattern and some pretty good cracks on the bottom. I just decided to finish it anyway and use it as a candy dish on the receptionists desk at work. They like to do things like that.

I was playing with shapes and putting a foot on the bowl etc... The taller rounder one with the foot has a great shape to it. The semi-trumpet bell shaped bowl I liked on the outside. But doing the inside was a PAIN. That uneven shape made it really really hard to get my bowl gouge in there. Then 60 minutes of sanding later it still had some torn end grain. I am going to keep playing with shapes but I don't think I will go with this one again in the future. Any thoughts on how I might improve the shapes?

Oh and the last one. I didn't turn her though she really did turn out alright. My daughter, and first child, is now 7 weeks old. The other day my wife caught us watching a turning video from our own Bob Hamilton. The baby was on my lap and had been moving around and sucking on her binky. SWMBO asked me what I was doing? I told her we were watching some woodturning and that the baby was really into it! She laughed and pointed out that she was asleep. Not a problem! I say indoctrinate them young and some day they will be masters of the craft! :)


Ken Fitzgerald
04-27-2009, 12:18 AM
Joshua.....nice bowls....great little one! .....it's subliminal training for that little one!:rolleyes:

Steve Schlumpf
04-27-2009, 8:26 AM
Joshua - absolutely beautiful daughter! Brought a big smile to this grandpa's face!

Nice bowls! Really like the woods used! As far as improvements to form - on the trumpet shaped one, a more traditional approach would be a smaller foot and then running the curve from the foot in a continuous sweep to the rim. Guess it would look a lot more like the bell on a trumpet when done that way.

On the rounded bowl - about the only thing I would do is a smaller and slightly recessed foot - if you had to use a foot at all. Personally, I think it would look better without the foot........ but that is just me.

Looking forward to your next turnings! Thanks for sharing!

Bernie Weishapl
04-27-2009, 9:47 AM
Joshua great looking bowls. On the second I to would have made the foot smaller, got rid of the tenon and made it concave. Just my opinion.

Oh and like Steve those little ones bring a smile to a grandpa's face. She is beautiful. By the way my grandson's name is Joshua.

Joshua Dinerstein
04-27-2009, 1:14 PM
Yeah. It was the foot I was wondering about too. I haven't put one on a bowl in a long time but I wanted this one to seem to stand up out of the line of the table better. Next time I make a bowl with a foot I will try making it smaller. I saved some of the dimensions from this one.

The best part about found wood is that I have the other half of that log. I am going to try and make a matching one for the LOML. She really liked this one but it was spoken for as a gift for some friends.


George Morris
04-27-2009, 1:16 PM
Nice bowls! But you can be proudest of that cute little girl she is a work of art! G

Bill Bolen
04-27-2009, 2:36 PM
Nice bowls and an outstanding "future shop assistant"! My only question is did you turn them with the MM,your new 1642 or the old HF?? Wish I had that tooling selection problem!...Bill...

Dave Halter
04-27-2009, 9:59 PM
Those are big beautiful eyes! I just turned a couple of small bowls that look exactly like the wood in the rounded bowl. I got it from a buddy who cut down a "cherry" tree. I'm not a wood expert, but I don't know that it's cherry.


Joshua Dinerstein
04-27-2009, 11:46 PM
Nice bowls and an outstanding "future shop assistant"! My only question is did you turn them with the MM,your new 1642 or the old HF?? Wish I had that tooling selection problem!...Bill...
I turned them with the new 1642. I won't get the mustard out for a few weeks. That is when the family and I move to the new house. Then it will be time to get everything out and ready to go. :)

And I really do hope my Daughter will get into turning. Cost factors aside I love it and would love sharing it with her in a few years. Well OK maybe more than a few. I wonder... what is a good age to start turning... :)


Leo Van Der Loo
04-27-2009, 11:47 PM
Very nice Siberian Elm bowls Josh, and a very pretty daughter, big bright eyes :-))