View Full Version : Spalted bowl

John Fricke
04-26-2009, 10:58 PM
I'm not sure what kind of wood it is. I dug it out of a fence row. I roughed this out a while back. Just finished it on the new PM and my new Vac chuck system. Looks nicer than it is. I got the bottom too thin. Darn near went through. My wife got me the Branding iron for my B-day. Not sure if I like it. First time I used it, has a learning curve I suppose. Couldn't apply much pressure cause the bottom was so thin. didn't bother to put a finish on it, just wiped a little walnut oil on it. A real camera and a photo tent are 2nd and third on my wish list behind a bandsaw. Camera phone will have to do for now. 6" x 2"

Steve Schlumpf
04-27-2009, 8:20 AM
John - pretty wood! Looks like you were about one revolution short of a funnel! LOL BTDT!

I have heard of folks having to experiment with branding and figuring out pressure so as to not bleed the signature. Good luck with that!

Looking forward to your camera and photo tent......... as well as your next bowl!

Bernie Weishapl
04-27-2009, 9:49 AM
Good looking bowl John. One more revolution and it would have become a beautiful funnel.:D;) Not that I have ever did that.:eek::rolleyes::cool: I keep a couple on the shelf as a reminder to measure.

Bill Bolen
04-27-2009, 2:44 PM
My son gave me a branding iron like that for my BD a few years back. I've had a few burn the signature block all the way through and if the bottom is not perfectly flat you only get part of the signature. I have all but given up on it, unless it is a piece going to my son of course!...Bill..

Dave Halter
04-27-2009, 9:52 PM
Nice bowl. I too am still learning the art of keeping the bottom in the bowl. I've got a branding iron, but have only used it on flat work. I've noticed that when it heats up it doesn't always remain totally flat. I usually grab a piece of scrap and do a few practice brands before I brand my actual work.


Cody Colston
04-27-2009, 10:32 PM
That sure is some pretty wood. I wish the pic was a bit better so I could get a better look at it.

The bowl looks good too, except for that thin bottom. But don't worry. Even after turning for several years you will still occassionally make a funnel. :)

Bruce Shiverdecker
04-28-2009, 6:36 PM
Since you said it came from a fence row, the wood is probably Osage Orange.

Can get harder that granite, but end result usually is striking!
