View Full Version : Why do I see such dark photos?

Pete Lamberty
08-03-2004, 10:45 PM
I just happened to visit Sawmill Creek today from a computer at school. I looked at a few threads, some had photos. The photos were bright! I thought, they don't look this bright on my computer! To make sure I went to a thread that I viewed earlier today, Domenic Greco's Five Barns photos. On the schools computer I could actually see everyones faces. But on my computer at home I could only see the faces of the people that were looking into the sun. Why is this? Is there a setting on my computer that I can adjust so that I can see brighter photos? What can I do to shed more light on the subjects in the photos? Thanks for any ideas that you might have. Pete

Zahid Naqvi
08-03-2004, 11:12 PM
Check for brightness control on your monitor. Usually you will have to press the "Menu" button,after which you will have to step through the options to get to the brightness option. You may also see two more buttons on the monitor with a + and a - sign, these are used to increase or decrease a selected menu option. I am sure you can figure it out once you get into the menu.

Todd Burch
08-03-2004, 11:28 PM
Pete, check the gamma adjustment for your monitor. It is set via software - somewhere in the control panel (if a PC). Search in the internet for monitor gamma adjustment.


Bart Leetch
08-03-2004, 11:47 PM
Take off your sun glasses..... :D :D :D

Pete Lamberty
08-04-2004, 6:35 AM
Thanks for the help. So far I have only been able to impove the brightness by a little. It is still to dark. What helped was the use of a round dome shaped "button" that's in the middle of the monitor just under the screen. I have a Gateway desktop computer. I increased the brightness level and it helped a bit. But when I look at the avatars that accompany Todds and Barts answers to my original question, Todds is fine but Barts is still way to dark (which is really a good thing in his case. :D ) I also checked out The five barns photos again and although they are better I still think that they are to dark. I will keep looking in the control panel as Todd suggested and will take off my sunglasses. :rolleyes: Thanks.

Todd Burch
08-04-2004, 8:40 AM
Maybe it's a good thing - but Bart's avatar is dark for me too!!!!

Don Abele
08-04-2004, 9:04 AM
Pete, adjusting the overall brightness and contrast for your monitor may help some, I suspect it is as Todd suggested - your gamma adjustment.

Right click on your desktop to bring up the menu, click on properties. Click the top right tab ("settings"), then the "advance" button on the bottom/right. This brings up the control settings for your display (monitor and video card). Look for a tab that says adjustments or gamma - or just tab through them all. Look for gamma adjustment. Slide it to the right (usually) to lighten things up. Have that dark picture available to look at so you know how much to adjust it.

Pete Lamberty
08-04-2004, 9:28 AM
Thanks guys! My eyes can see. Don figured out the one thing that I forgot to mention. The fact that I am not a computer person. I have to be lead step by step to get anything done on a computer. Thanks again everyone! I sure am glad that these computers are just a passing fad. :D Pete

Pete Lamberty
08-04-2004, 10:47 AM
Yes Bart, I followed the directions that Don posted and I found that I could fix the problem. Now the problem is that I can clearly see your face in your avatar. :D I guess I will have to adjust the gamma ray adjuster back to the way it was. :)

Don Abele
08-04-2004, 3:26 PM
Pete, glad I could help. Yeah...computers will soon be replaced with a chip and antenna coming out of our heads :eek: As for the avatars - your can use the little post-it notes to cover them on your screen :p