View Full Version : Walnut BE maple table

David Gendron
04-25-2009, 5:54 PM
This is a smal table I'm making, It's almost done, I just have to apply my finish on it. Every thing was done by hand whit hand tools, no power tools involved!
Please feel free to comments and ask questions.
It is my second piece I made if I don't count my Banch;)!
The wood is black walnut and birds eye maple for the top. the inside of the drawers, is maple and the bottom is sitka spruce!

Dewey Torres
04-25-2009, 6:01 PM
All with no powertools:eek::eek::eek:!!!!

Ok that's it... I am posting a link in the Neanderthal forum to this! That is some great hand work!

Make sure to post pics once the finish is completed.

David Gendron
04-25-2009, 6:10 PM
thank you Dewey. I decided that is the path i want to take and so far I realy anjoy it!
Thank you!

Billy Chambless
04-25-2009, 6:26 PM
That's beautiful!

What's your plan for a finish?

David Gendron
04-25-2009, 6:37 PM
For the finish I realy like the 3 third mixe(boiled linseed oil, varnish and turpentine or mineral spirit) I had good result on an other piece I made and it's simple to apply, but a little longer than lacker...

Bruce Page
04-25-2009, 6:58 PM
David, that is very nice!
Be sure to post some pictures after you finish it.

John Keeton
04-25-2009, 7:35 PM
Nice work David - so, this is your conversion piece. Didn't take you long to cross over to the "green" side:D We do expect to see finished pics!

Cliff Rohrabacher
04-25-2009, 8:29 PM
sweet. Nice lines, I like the legs.

John Thompson
04-25-2009, 9:01 PM
Excellent piece, David. You did a great job with the hand-tools as the piece has a clean.. delicate look. You might want to get some leg-warmers on the legs being in Whilte-horse. It was kinda cold in that area the last time I passed that way. :)

Again.. excellent piece.


Chuck Durst
04-25-2009, 9:46 PM
Great job, all by hand I'm trying to figure out how to do woodwork with no hands. I keep coming back to having somebody else to it,and that doesn't help my stress levels so i'll stick to power tools. Bring on the finished product.


Jim Becker
04-25-2009, 9:58 PM
That's really great work, David.

David Gendron
04-26-2009, 12:23 AM
John K., so far I did only 3 real pieces of "furniture" and they all been made with out power tools! I do have an old table saw and band saw but find it to much trouble to go outside(they are outside, no room in my tiny shop). so to start I tought it would be like that(hand tools only) until I get a bigger shop, and after a wile I anjoy it so much that I'm not interested in the power tool side of it! No dust, no noise, good muisic(use of power on this one) and all the time want!!
I will sure post more pics when it's done!

Sean Camarena
05-24-2009, 3:19 AM
sweet. Nice lines, I like the legs.
Likewise! Very nice.