View Full Version : Text Adjustment

Frank Defert
04-24-2009, 10:47 PM
Hello Everyone,

I am making a machine placard that requires only one line of text. After choosing the font, and the size the letters look to small. They fill out nicely left to right but they are too small top to bottom.
What is the best way to increase the vertical size without altering the horizontal size. I did highlight it and just dragged it larger but for some reason it appears not quite right?

:confused: As always thanks .... Frank

Mike Null
04-24-2009, 11:05 PM
What you did is one good option. There may be a condensed version of the font such as Arial and Arial narrow which would allow you to increase the point size of the font.

Frank Defert
04-24-2009, 11:23 PM
Thanks Mike.


After engraving the placards look fine.


Steven Wallace
04-25-2009, 12:54 AM
Change the text to Artistic in the Text pull down in Corel Draw. Then you push and pull the text to fit and to make it look proper for engraving.