View Full Version : IS Jet JBS-14MW worth $230

Darius Ferlas
04-24-2009, 11:11 AM
It is used but looks to be in great shape.
I have no experience with bandsaws but I already feel the need for one.
The ad says it has new tires and a mobile base.
Has anybody any experience with this model?

Thank you.

Jason White
04-24-2009, 6:40 PM
That's pretty much the same one I recently fished out of a dumpster, which means it's probably about 20 years old.

I'd talk 'em down a bit.


It is used but looks to be in great shape.
I have no experience with bandsaws but I already feel the need for one.
The ad says it has new tires and a mobile base.
Has anybody any experience with this model?

Thank you.

Steve Rozmiarek
04-25-2009, 1:37 AM
Darius, is there a fence someplace else? $230, plus the cost of an aftermarket fence, or the time spent making a shopbuilt version will change the actual price a bit.

I paid more than that for a used open frame US made Delta several years back, without a fence, and I've never regretted it. I'd think you may have some room on the price, but it sounds to me like a fair starting point.

Once you get a bandsaw, you'll be suprised how often you use it!