View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
04-24-2009, 8:30 AM
Friday April 24, 2009


After a couple of days of rain the weather is starting to improve again. Today is predicted for the low 80's, after we get through a morning shower which is happening as I type. More rain for the weekend though.

LOML and my mom are heading out tomorrow morning for a ladies weekend at a casino in the U.P. of Michigan. They are meeting up with LOML's sister and another friend of theirs. I've got the house to myself and no one to worry about but me and the cats. With the rain scheduled for the weekend, I just might be able to get something done in the shop. I hope so as I've got a lot to do project wise.

So, what's happening around the hacienda in your neck of the woods? Do you have a lot going on? Whatever you have going, I trust you'll make the most of it and enjoy the weekend. Please be SAFE.


bob gugerty
04-24-2009, 8:42 AM
Well Karl I did not listen to you "please be SAFE" I took a fall and broke both feet (heal Bones) so my happings are now the looking on Creek

everyone have a SAFE and happy weekend

Karl Laustrup
04-24-2009, 10:00 AM
I had similar happen Bob about 15 years ago. A ladder slipped out [feet of extension ladder slid] and I hit pavement feet first from about 10'. I was off my feet for a few days with severly bruised heels, but it's now that I suffer. I am in almost constant pain from my heels hurting. It limits how long I can be on my feet also, so working in the shop usually lasts no more than a few hours at a time.

Take care and don't push getting back up. Give them time to heal.


Grant Davis
04-24-2009, 2:02 PM
Helping my daughter build a "Newton Car" for a science class project and just hanging out and enjoying to 80 degree days for a change.

Cody Colston
04-24-2009, 2:45 PM
Meeting some friends Saturday at M&G Sawmill and also picking up some QSWO.

Michael Poller
04-24-2009, 3:00 PM
Around here its yard sale heaven tomorrow. Two towns and three roads are having their annual town-wide and street-wide yard sales so hopefully there are some goodies to be had.

After that, it's to the in-laws lake house for the first boat ride of the season, and the new puppys (that's Salem in my avatar - 8 month old black lab) first adventure in water. Should be fun and entertaining, as long as I don't have to go in the 45 degree water to fetch her. :eek:

Steve Clardy
04-24-2009, 3:59 PM
Normal shop time on staurday.
Sunday morning, go install a vanity at the lake for a customer.
Company coming sometime sunday afternoon.

Jim Becker
04-24-2009, 9:48 PM
Equestrian activities and likely a lot of landscape and gardening work outside...it's going to be glorious and in the mid- to high-80s in SE PA this weekend.

David Duke
04-24-2009, 10:04 PM
Meeting some friends Saturday at M&G Sawmill and also picking up some QSWO.

Cody, tell Michael and Glen I said hi.

As far as what the LOML and I are doing this weekend I think we're going to make a road trip to Louisiana and help stimulate the economy over there :D:D !!

Ken Fitzgerald
04-24-2009, 11:02 PM
I have a friend coming over with some turning finishing questions. I will do the usual yardwork and hopefully gain some ground on my wifes table.

The dovetails on the 3 legs are killing me. I got so worked up over them that I didn't go back into the shop for 2 days.

Dewey Torres
04-25-2009, 12:39 AM
Back to work on the Morris Chair!

Peter Scoma
04-25-2009, 12:59 AM
Fiancee's bachelorette party is tomorrow which means uninterrupted shop time for me. I finished and hung my new shop carriage doors, now just need to add the stop moulding and trim them out.

If time allows I'd like to start building the shop subfloor as the oak flooring has had plenty of time to acclimate and i'm itching to lay it down.

Have an enjoyable weekend everyone.