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View Full Version : casters for mobile cart

keith zimmerman
03-19-2003, 3:23 PM
I'm getting ready to build a mobile cart for my lathe tools/accessories and was wondering if others thought that 3" casters were the appropriate size. I'm planning to build it from an old 18" bathroom vanity.

At this time, I plan to either use the top for my gouges, etc. and install pullout shelves inside for all the accessories; OR install my grinder on top and build a tip-out tool storage area inside. I haven't quite made up my mind yet.

Also, two of the casters are swivel w/brakes and two that just swivel. Should the two locking swivels be on the front or the back?

TIA for any insights offered.

Ted Shrader
03-19-2003, 3:34 PM
Keith -

3" wheels should do it. I would put the wheels on one side or the other. That way when you are "driving" it around, the narrow side will be the one passing between things. (i.e both swivels on the front and back of one side - right or left .)


Rob Russell
03-19-2003, 4:14 PM
Unless there is a real problem with stability such that you need the casters at the 4 corners, the best caster placement IMNSHO is (2) rigid amidships on the sides and (1) swivel centerline bow and stern. Sorry to use the nautical terms, but it was the easiest way to describe it. This caster placement will allow you to spin the cabinet in place.

Stan Smith
03-19-2003, 4:24 PM
I just got the bigger set from Lee Valley. They are the cat's meow in casters. I put them on my drum sander. When the locks are on that puppy doesn't budge 1 iota. I don't have my lathe tools on a cart, but I made a wall rack. The ends sit in forstner drill holes and the cutting ends are held in place with a magnet strip. Real handy.

Lynn Kasdorf
03-19-2003, 4:39 PM
I just ordered some super heavy duty swivel casters, with 2" x 4" solid steel wheels, rated at 1000lb each from Northern Tool. I think they were about $7 each! These are for a mobil base for a 12" jointer, so I wanted serious overkill.

For lighter machines, I think they have smaller ones for about $4 each. I have ordered these before and they are excellent.

Randy Miller
03-19-2003, 6:04 PM
Since it is just lathe tools, and maybe the grinder AND assuming you won't be moving it all the time; I would to with a "wheelbarrow" approach and put two fixed casters on one end, and two feet on the other. This is not a heavy cart and you don't want to just push and roll. Add some small handles at the fixed end so when you want to move it just lift and push.

The other advantage is that you can pretty much be assured that it will stay put when you put it down.

As far as 3 inch wheels -- it depends. If you plan an rolling this around a very rough floor and over door threshholds, etc. 3 inch castors will not be enough. If this is for shop use on fairly normal flat/smooth-ish floor, 3 inch will be fine.

Either way, let us see pics when your done, I'm always looking for good ideas to steal....ahem, I mean borrow. :)

Good luck!

Rob Russell
03-19-2003, 6:08 PM

<b>"I just ordered some ... rated at 1000lb each ... I wanted serious overkill."</b>

It's not overkill until you need a pallet jack to move the machines around :-)


keith zimmerman
03-19-2003, 6:31 PM
You have helped me know that the 3" casters should be adequate for my lathe tool cart. The vanity this cart will be based on is approximately 16"x18", so I think I will place the casters at the corners with the brakes in the front.

I thinking of wrapping a rabbetted 4x4 around the bottom and attaching the casters to the bottom. That should also add some height and enough weight so a top-mounted grinder would be at a comfortable height and the cart won't be top heavy.