View Full Version : So this is a big announcement!

Jarrod McGehee
04-22-2009, 2:20 AM
A few weeks ago I entered a scholarship that paid $2,000 to the winner and low and behold, after getting some awesome letters of recommendations from two Palomar College woodshop instructors, Russ Filbeck and Jack Stone, and 2 teacher evaluations by my high school shop teacher and wrestling coach, I got an email yesterday asking which school I attend and today, are you ready for this, wait, are you sure? I got the top spot and after more people than expected entered the scholarship, they raised the amount to the top 2 students to $2,500 and I was one of the lucky enough to earn the top spot :D and now I can buy more tools to further my woodworking journey.

I just wanted to let all of you know. Thanks for reading

Dewey Torres
04-22-2009, 2:29 AM
Now if that isn't a sign from (fill in belief here), I don't know what is! Awesome news.


Get the very best tools you can afford! You are young...try to buy tools that will still be around when you are old!

Dan Forman
04-22-2009, 3:50 AM
Congrats!!! Where are going?


alex carey
04-22-2009, 3:57 AM
Congrats. Is the money for whatever you want or for college?

Jeff Nicol
04-22-2009, 5:45 AM

It is wonderful to be rewarded for your hard work and dedication to the craft! The scholarship money will definitly free up some of your hard earned cash for tools. The less out of pocket for higher education is hard to come by so congratulations!


Bob Hallowell
04-22-2009, 6:23 AM
Thats really cool, did you happen to notice the nova and tools in classified as if by magic it's $2500 :D


Jim Kountz
04-22-2009, 7:48 AM
Excellent news!! We're all happy for ya!!

Steve Frederick
04-22-2009, 7:52 AM
It's great to hear of a young person working hard and doing well!
Good job!
Are you planning a career in wood?

charlie knighton
04-22-2009, 8:12 AM

Don Newman
04-22-2009, 8:23 AM
Congratulations. Any pictures of your work?

Gary Herrmann
04-22-2009, 8:48 AM
Definitely, with a gloat like that, you need to show us the award winner. Oh, and congratulations. ;)

Steve Schlumpf
04-22-2009, 8:50 AM
Jarrod - Congrats on winning! I know it is very tempting to go out and spend all your winnings - but take your time and think things through. Again - congrats!!!

Steve Frederick
04-22-2009, 8:54 AM
I know it is very tempting to go out and spend all your winnings - but take your time and think things through.
Mr Schlumpf has a very good point.
Patience is hard, but the result is lasting..

Bernie Weishapl
04-22-2009, 9:00 AM
Jarrod congrats. As Steve said spend it wisely and the tools will last you a lifetime. We are all proud of you.

Rob Cunningham
04-22-2009, 9:37 AM
That's great news, congratulations. My son and daughter both got scholarships, I know how exciting it can be. Spend wisely.

Brian Kent
04-22-2009, 9:54 AM
Jarrod, are you currently a student at Palomar College? I love that place, though I went there long before my woodworking interest. They have some wonderful instructors in woodworking.

Kirk Miller
04-22-2009, 10:08 AM
Congrats Jarrod. The comittee made a great choice, and I am sure that you will use the money wisely.

Don Carter
04-22-2009, 11:27 AM
Congratulations Jarrod! We all are proud of you!

Mike Svoma
04-22-2009, 1:08 PM
Way to go, Jarrod. Spend it wisely.;)

Tim Cleveland
04-22-2009, 7:23 PM
Congratulations Jarrod. I know how useful that money will be. Are you planning a career in woodturning?


Jarrod McGehee
04-23-2009, 1:30 AM
Well the money that I received is for tools and things related to the field. I do want to go into wood and furniture, something like that through college and hopefully do that in the spare time. and my mom is a cop so I want to follow in her footsteps and do that as well. I'll take some pics and post of some of my work.

Thanks all for all the fine words and advise. I'll take it to heart and try to get the best for my money. You guys here really do help out a lot. Thanks

Steve Frederick
04-23-2009, 7:25 AM
.. and my mom is a cop..

Uh-Oh! I'll bet you don't get away with much!!:eek::eek:

So, what's on the wish list?

Jeff Nicol
04-23-2009, 7:36 AM
Well the money that I received is for tools and things related to the field. I do want to go into wood and furniture, something like that through college and hopefully do that in the spare time. and my mom is a cop so I want to follow in her footsteps and do that as well. I'll take some pics and post of some of my work.

Thanks all for all the fine words and advise. I'll take it to heart and try to get the best for my money. You guys here really do help out a lot. Thanks
Jarrod, Now I know why you are such a bright, respectful, hard working young man! With a mom as a police officer that must be tough! What does your dad do? A judge maybe?

Thanks for letting us give you advise and for sharing your growth as a woodworker! We need lots young people like you coming up through the ranks!

Congrats again,


Bruce Shiverdecker
04-24-2009, 10:00 PM
Quality always shows, whether in the produce or the producer.

Both apply to you. Congrats!


Cindy Navarro
04-25-2009, 2:45 AM
Congratulations, what a great honor.:)