View Full Version : Tool Rest woes ... again ...

Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
03-19-2003, 11:05 AM
I broke an old tool rest a couple of weeks ago on a knot in some green cherry I was turning, so I ordered a new assembly from Shopsmith. So far I've only done some pens on it, but today I started to do another cherry bowl. I rough turned the outside between centers, turned a tenon, then reversed it on my Super Nova chuck to rough hollow the inside. I'd gotten about 1/2 way into the center when I felt the tool rest move. I shut off the lathe and found this. The brand new rest had broken at the base. I hadn't hit anything or had any catches, so I don't know what may have caused it. I'm thinking as my tool got extended over the rest going into the center, probably three or four inches, and it stressed the rest too much. I was being careful to take light cuts, but could the constant pressure have done it? I'm contacting Shopsmith now to see if I have any options to get it replaced or if I have to buy another one. Any body have any dealings with them as far as customer service?

Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
03-19-2003, 11:46 AM
I contacted Shopsmith headquarters in Dayton, Ohio and spoke to a service rep named "Linda". I explained what had happened and that I may have incorrectly used the rest by extending the tool too far out and stressing it. She took all of the information and told me she'd ship me a replacement ASAP. She was extremely courteous and helpful. She didn't require me to ship the part back so they could look at it, only cautioned that if I have several break, they would like to see them. It's a pleasure doing business with folks that stand behind their products and don't give you a major hassle.

Richard Allen
03-19-2003, 1:37 PM
Hi Ron

When the banjo broke did the tool rest fall into the spinning bowl?

Was the whole "event" exciting?

I broke a couple of tool rests. They were always non-events.


Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
03-19-2003, 2:32 PM
The rest was still in the banjo when it let go ... it was only a piece of it and there was enough left to hold it in place. The allen screw just forced it to the front and leaned it a little. The rest only touched the edge of the rim of the bowl ... no harm, no foul, I guess. The other rest breaking was much more exciting when it flew across the yard and the bowl broke the tenon in the chuck and flew/rolled about fifty yards! Anyway ... chocked up to experience ... stand out of the way and always wear your face shield!