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Chris Henke
04-19-2009, 12:11 PM
Just got a Dowelmax jig and have begun experimenting with it. I have never used dowels on a project before but have used pocket screws pretty extensively. So far looks like the DM will do a nice job. But...

I have a few questions that don't seem to addressed anywhere in the manual/DVD:

1. To what depth(s) should one drill using the bit and stop collar? I was unsure how to set the stop collar for different wood thicknesses, edge vs face drilling, etc. I kind of guesstimated for my first practice joint, but I think I drilled too deep on one of the pieces.

2. What technique do you recommend for gluing up the dowels? Should one brush glue onto the dowels before inserting them into the holes, drip glue into the holes themselves, or....?

TIA for any ideas,


Bill Huber
04-19-2009, 12:55 PM
I set the depth for half and half on things that the dowel will not go all the way though, like a 2 inch wide board.

On the face I set it so the dowel will go 3/4 of the way in and then the longer part of the dowel goes in farther on the other part. I have 2 bits and stop collars which really make is much easier to work with.

I set the short one and then do some test holes to set the longer one. Again 2 bits makes this much easier. You can then drill all the holes you need with the short one then switch bits and drill the matting holes.

I did take a piece of 3/4 in stock and set the depth on it (face) and then just keep it with my DoweMax to set the bit depth when I need to. I also have a piece of stock with the hole set at half and half.

On gluing I put some glue in the hole and the force the dowel in, this will push glue out of the grooves in the dowel. I then use a brush to spread the glue and put glue on the other half of the dowel. Then just put glue on the matting part of the joint and clamp them up.

If you are doweling miters, don't forget to NOT drill the first hole....:D

Chris Henke
04-19-2009, 6:27 PM
Thanks, Bill---that's really helpful. Presumably you drill the holes just a bit bigger than the full length of the dowel, spread over two holes? Like maybe 1/16 or 1/8 over on each hole?

I really like the idea of making a kind of jig for the depth stop using a piece of scrap. I will definitely do that once I have the depth dialed in.


Bill Huber
04-19-2009, 6:47 PM
Thanks, Bill---that's really helpful. Presumably you drill the holes just a bit bigger than the full length of the dowel, spread over two holes? Like maybe 1/16 or 1/8 over on each hole?

I really like the idea of making a kind of jig for the depth stop using a piece of scrap. I will definitely do that once I have the depth dialed in.


Yes maybe a 1/16 max... just to make sure both parts go completely together.

I don't know if you saw this tread of a mod I did to the DowelMax, it really does help on odd size woods or when you want the dowel centered for some reason. I have also, which you can see in the pictures scribed a line on each end of the block, for a center line. I have also added some 400 grit sticky back sandpaper of the clamping bracket.


Chris Henke
04-19-2009, 7:52 PM
Thanks again, Bill---you're the Dowelmax man!

As for your mod, that's a great idea, too. Though I'm not sure I have either the equipment or the stones to make that mod right now. ;)


John Lucas
04-19-2009, 11:57 PM
I think very highly of DowelMax. It works. I use dowels that are spirals or grooved so that glue at the bottom of the hole will not prevent full insertion of the dowel.

Here is a link for a few pages on it (and stars Beth who is so lovely.)

