View Full Version : TSA Puzzle Cube

curtis rosche
04-15-2009, 9:03 AM
some of you who look in the design forum may remember me asking for plans for a puzzle cube. it was a couple of months ago. well i founds plans and made this. it is made from maple. it is 3 inches by 3 inches. for the TSA regional competition i screen printed the letters "TSA" on it. for states which we leave for today, I carved out the letters, and then poured wax into the relief. then put finish on the whole thing.

it is for the Manufacturing prototype competition. the theme is to make a TSA promotional item.
at regionals my team took 2nd. we didnt have the greatest paper work. but now we do.

John Thompson
04-15-2009, 11:26 AM
Interesting design. It looks similar to joints I have seen Japanese carpenters use when I took a week off to watch them build the Icabon Steak House here in Atlanta years ago. Very complicated ones I may add.

Very nice...


curtis rosche
04-15-2009, 2:22 PM
the whole thing comes appart. its hard to put to gether unless you have done it before

Paul Steiner
04-15-2009, 6:04 PM
Post or send plans!! This would be a good one for my TSA students.

curtis rosche
04-17-2009, 12:43 PM
its just simple dowel through a hole joints. i will post plans when i can get access to my solid works drawings again. computers suck