View Full Version : Winged yellowheart bowl

steve mcconnell
04-14-2009, 3:00 PM
This was my first attempt at a square bowl from about 6 months ago. It was part of my yellowheart/odd bowl phase/series. I will post its mate shortly

Had a couple of problems during the course of turning it: I had a small corner break off the back side of a wing as I did not have any support on it. I also found out the hard way that the edges of bowls like this are really, really sharp.

I am still pretty happy with it, even considering the rather bland wood.

It was turned from yellowheart and measures 8x8x2 and is about 3/16ths on the wings. The center of the bowl sits about a quarter of an inch off the table.

Thoughts or suggestions?

Steve Schlumpf
04-14-2009, 3:04 PM
Steve - that looks great! Really like the smooth curve to the overall form and also like the lack of anything denoting/separating the bowl portion from the wings. Very nice flow to the piece! Looking forward to also seeing the other one!

Bernie Weishapl
04-14-2009, 3:52 PM
Steve that is a great looking piece. Well done.

Toney Robertson
04-14-2009, 6:35 PM
Yea the wood may be bland but the form is great.


Alan Trout
04-14-2009, 6:52 PM
I don't even consider the wood to be bland. The vibrant color goes well with the form. Great work Steve. Keep it up.


Brian McInturff
04-14-2009, 9:26 PM
I think the "Bland" wood adds to this piece. It accentuates the form and shows the true beauty. And Yellowheart isn't an every day wood that you see so that in itself draws attention. Excellent piece with the right wood. You couldn't have picked a better combination.

Richard Madison
04-14-2009, 9:48 PM
Steve, I think this is an elegant piece, due to a combination of the features already noted. Some will disagree but I would favor a full-on deep, high-gloss lacquer finish for this one.

charlie knighton
04-14-2009, 9:50 PM
very nice, the wood allows your skills to be highlighted

Jarrod McGehee
04-15-2009, 3:42 AM
that's a beautiful bowl. I like the form to it. next you just gotta laminate a few pieces of contrasting woods and that would give it a cool look.

Dewey Torres
04-15-2009, 6:23 AM
I like it. The nice thin about YH is that it won't loose its color.