View Full Version : Anybody subscribe to Woodturning Magazine

Burt Alcantara
04-13-2009, 4:10 PM
I don't mean Woodturning Design. This mag is published in the UK and is available to US subscribers. I've never seen a copy so I don't wish to blindly subscribe.

Woodturning Design is...OK but not enough to make me subscribe. I browse it at Woodcraft and will buy it for 1 article if it is good enough. So far, I've only bought 2 issues.

Best mag so far is American Woodturner by miles!


Brendan McAreavy
04-13-2009, 4:16 PM
Hi Burt,

I subscribe to Woodturning magazine and one of the the highlights of my month is when it arrives.

Here's their website woodworkersinstitute.com/Page.asp?p=4


Kyle Iwamoto
04-13-2009, 7:20 PM
I recently grabbed an issue from the local Big Bookstore, ($9.50 YIKES!) all because it had a "guide to buying basic turning tools". To be honest, I was, and am fairly disappointed, for 10 bucks. 75 for a year seems like a better deal, still pricey. The main thing is that the magazine is geared toward "their" tastes. The turnings were amazing, but not typically what "we" see. And they did not elaborate on how they got those elaborate turnings. Some were scalloped. How can you turn a scalloped HF on a lathe? Looks like someone also turned some sort of wood/composite mix into a vase. Amazing stuff, but not how to do it.
Also, if you want to nit pick, all their ads are for stuff over there..... Oh come on, we all look at ads to see what we HAVE to buy next....:confused:

VERY good articles. Nice how-tos. (They show how to make a small box, but they do NOT hollow the lid)

Good magazine? YES by all means, but at 10 bucks month or 75 bucks a year, maybe not so good of a deal money wise. Buy a video or 2, and save a few bucks..... Or get a new tool.

Just my .02. Did not intend to offend anyone.

Bob McClurg
04-13-2009, 9:08 PM
Burt - Worth every penny. I receive just about all the mags there are out there on woodturning and Woodturning UK is the best by far. I agree with Bendan - one of the highlights monthly. Not sure about Kyle. The mag gives you the foundation to apply to other projects. Need to understand the principles of the projects and apply them to other projects. The lid hollow is a repeat of hollowing previously covered in the article or referred to previous articles for the method required. A must have in you shop. Just my view for what it's worth.

John Trax
04-14-2009, 2:01 AM
I don't subscribe but I've picked up the last three issues at the book store. It is expensive for a magazine but I have gotten my money's worth each month. Odd seeing the ads for the UK stores, but interesting to see what the rest of the world is doing. Craft Supplies USA bought the inside cover of the March issue which indicates to me that there is enough circulation here in the states to attract a major advertiser.

Some of the articles have a slightly different angle than what we usually see here but I think that is just fine, I don't have to agree but I always try to learn from something even if I wouldn't do that way.

Burt Alcantara
04-14-2009, 11:17 AM
I checked out Brendan's link. Their website is very informative, easy to navigate and loaded with a lot more content then I expected; perhaps, enough to tempt me into a subscription.

Yes, the ads are weird, such as the Record Nova, which is a Nova 1624-44 painted all gray. The large Record looks just like the new Grizzly. But, I'm not interested in the ads.

British turners have a different slant to their approach to turning. This is both interesting and important.

Good stuff there,

Greg Just
04-14-2009, 12:38 PM
Barnes and Noble sells it.

Gary Herrmann
04-14-2009, 1:53 PM
Now does the $75 include shipping and are there 12 issues annually? I've picked up the magazine a couple times and if it meets those criteria, I think I'd buy a subscription.

Jerry Sambrook
04-14-2009, 3:30 PM
The cost include shipping to the US, and is 13 issues per year, not 12


Tom Green
04-14-2009, 9:11 PM
The cost include shipping to the US, and is 13 issues per year, not 12

So, does a British metric year have 13 months in it???:rolleyes:

James Hendrix
04-15-2009, 2:20 PM
So, does a British metric year have 13 months in it???:rolleyes:

Yes, it's called a milli-month, except for leap-years, then it's a meter-month - never could understand that new fangled math!

Eric Henry
04-15-2009, 6:05 PM
I am new to turning, but I really enjoyed the magazine. I saw it at the bookstore and was shocked when I got to the register and it was more expensive than the book that I was buying. I didn't even realize that it was from UK until half way through an article the writer said he kept his workshop at 18-20 degrees! Anyway, long answer to short question, I will probably subscribe because I liked that magazine a lot and would like to save the additional $.

Mike Peace
04-12-2011, 11:33 AM
I thought I would use this old thread to build on for a discount offer email I received from Woodturning magazine. They are offering a one year subscription of 12 issues postage included for about $60 which is a 40% discount. Amazon charges $8.57 per issue for a subscription which is more than I am willing to pay.

I don't think I can put the magazine's direct website link here without violating SMC rules but you can do a search for thegmcgroup to get their address.
You need to enter the discount code C2689 when applying on line. I was unable to process the payment with my credit card on line through their website which was frustrating. I called my credit card company and they said it must be a problem with their website. I sent the publisher an email with my phone number and a nice lady named Sue gave me a call and took the information by phone. Be sure to mention the code to get the discount.

Dan Hintz
04-12-2011, 11:45 AM

Linking to the site directly isn't a problem...

Dan Hintz
04-12-2011, 11:58 AM
Yeah, I get all of the way to the end and can't get the "Charge me" button to enable...

Mike Peace
04-12-2011, 3:52 PM
Dan, Sue said they had a lot of people complain about problems getting their site to take a credit card. You can send an email to Sueb(at)thegmcgroup.com and give her your phone number and she will call you. Don't forget to mention the code.

John Keeton
04-12-2011, 4:15 PM
Mike, thanks! Woodturning is a super magazine - except for all the neat ads for stuff you can't get over here!!

Johnny Taylor
04-12-2011, 6:02 PM
Its a great magazine with really good in depth how to's, I would highly recommended it to anyone.

So, does a British metric year have 13 months in it???:rolleyes:

Yes, it's called a milli-month, except for leap-years, then it's a meter-month - never could understand that new fangled math!

Ha! Nice to see you've all been doing your homework!!!! Although we do have the metric system here in Britain we mostly still think in terms of inches, feet, yards etc and our road system is in miles, car speedometers are in mph and our beer comes in pints! So we can all still understand each other!! :P Although a UK gallon is bigger than a US one for some reason?

Frank Van Atta
04-12-2011, 6:55 PM
Just to keep up with our UK cousins, we have a 100 kilometer stretch of road with the distances in km and the speeds in mph. Plus, the "mile posts" are "kilometer posts."

Where? you ask. I-19 from Tucson, AZ to Nogales, AZ.