View Full Version : Not a bad day of wood gathering.

Curt Fuller
04-11-2009, 9:02 PM
I've had this downed tree on my radar all winter long. Got permission (which is unusal for me, I usually find it easier to ask for forgiveness), the snow melted, the ground dried out, and nobody beat me to it. Several hundred pounds of nice Box Elder burl....

Pete Jordan
04-11-2009, 9:28 PM
Way to stay ahead of the crowd!

Nice looking burls!

mike fuson
04-11-2009, 9:35 PM
Its to bumpy looking, send it to me Curt

Steve Schlumpf
04-11-2009, 10:19 PM
Curt - that is quite the gloat! Beautiful wood and well worth the wait! Seriously looking forward to seeing what you turn out of it! Congrats!

alex carey
04-11-2009, 10:51 PM
That is one of the better gloats I have ever seen. Great wood you got there.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-11-2009, 11:22 PM
That's quite a gloat Curt! Congrats on a nice haul!

Alan Huey
04-11-2009, 11:52 PM
Looks like a lot of fun! Want to trade any of it for some Walnut Burl?:D

Jeff Nicol
04-12-2009, 6:25 AM
Curt, I think you should stay clear of that dangerous looking wood and let some of us handle it for you! We are all envious of you and your wonderful haul of Box elder burl! Have fun and show us the pics of your creations!

Happy easter,


Bernie Weishapl
04-12-2009, 10:38 AM
Boy Curt congrats on a nice haul. That is some good looking wood.

Bob Bergstrom
04-12-2009, 3:32 PM
That quality of wood is worth a couple of chainsaws. That a good reason for us all to buy one, and help keep the good wood from being ground into mulch!!

Jarrod McGehee
04-12-2009, 6:09 PM
Oh man I'm jealous. Nice haul. I got some spalted pieces yesterday when I was driving around

Don Carter
04-12-2009, 8:40 PM
Beautiful wood, Curt! I can't wait to see what beautiful stuff you make of it.

curtis rosche
04-12-2009, 9:05 PM
:Di shall add your name to my list for the hitman.