View Full Version : Bandsaw gloat to un-gloat

Scott Busse
04-11-2009, 10:23 AM
I thought I was going to be inheriting an older iron Delta 14" bandsaw from my father-in-law who no longer woodworks. It was being stored in a shed at my brother-in-laws house who was going to take pictures and send them to me. He leaves me a message on my machine with no details other than a 1 hp motor and that my other brother-in-law will bring me the owners manual. I call him last night and asked what the Delta model number is on the saw. He didn't know but the owners manual said VBS-14. A quick google netted a Buffalo Tools 14". After a little research, I'll pass on this free saw. Frustrating.

I also missed an older Delta drill press for $15 last week by a few minates.