View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's" - Easter Edition

Karl Laustrup
04-10-2009, 5:40 AM
Friday April 10, 2009


Well, the weather seems to be finally turning for the better. Although it's been windy, it's been sunny and the temps are finally pushing into the 50's. Supposed to be a good weekend also. Won't be long now and the farmers will be planting their corn and soybeans. And hopefully I'll be on the golf course soon also.:)

Won't get any shop time this weekend though. We're having family over for Easter dinner and I'm cooking. In between all the cooking and eating I'm going and try to watch the "Masters". It has the potential to be one of the best in years.

What's on the agenda in your neck of the woods? Shop time? Or family time? Whatever you've got going I hope you have a great weekend. Make it a SAFE one.


Al Willits
04-10-2009, 7:27 AM
60's for the weekend here Karl, you should see that coming your way very soon, remember...any golf ball you hit and can find is a well hit ball....:D

Finishing painting the kitchen cart and while watching paint dry, getting the boat out and ready, I have a couple new rod holders I need to install and do all the pre flight stuff before hitting the water the week after.

FIL is doing better in the rehab center and we'll go see him and sneak him in a meatloaf and mayonaise sandwich..

Have a safe and fun weekend all.


Ben Cadotte
04-10-2009, 7:34 AM
I am supposed to be on a plane right now just about to land after an overnight red eye. But manager called about 5 hours before I was to take off. Said take another week off. :eek: Said our maintenance provider was shutting down for the entire week. So, no sence in sending me over this week just to sit there.

And the wife is heading down to her parents for the weekend for her fathers birthday. Going to see Blue Man Group in Boston. Since I was not supposed to be here didn't get a ticket for me. So, she is going to be gone with the small dog. Just going to be me and the big dog for the weekend.

I need to run some extra wiring and install some of the lights I picked up. I have the new bench / drawers about 1/2 done. Changed my mind on the top. So, need more materials for it.

So, I think I will spend the weekend wiring and re-arranging the shop around.

Russ Boyd
04-10-2009, 7:39 AM
TAXES and hopefully some shop time. Maybe even Church if the building doesn't fall down upon my entry.

Frank Trinkle
04-10-2009, 7:48 AM

Friday: Haircut, Post Office, Supermarket, then back in time for UPS delivery (expecting 10 boxes today!) Pull the jointer and planer out and continue squaring up a lot of rough cut I have.

Saturday: Finish assembling my 18-month son's playset/swingset. Then, more jointing/planing.:cool:

Sunday: Last day to spend quality time with wife and son before leaving Tuesday for my six-week overseas "Day Job":D :o

Monday: Pack - Ugh!:(

Tuesday: 0430 AM - Start the 36-hour odyssey of travel to the Philippines to meet the USNS Concord, where I'm a heavy helicopter pilot working as a Defense Contractor... (Fly supplies off the ship to US Navy battlegroups at sea - "VERTREP").

Back end of May for six-weeks off and more woodworking!:D

Matt Meiser
04-10-2009, 8:29 AM
Heading back home from a week in St. Louis at the corporate office. Tomorrow, probably not much other than family time. Probably do a little work on where I took the wall out last week touching up drywall and possibly painting. If I have time, design the fake "beam" that will hide the ceiling transition where the wall was and maybe pick up the materials. Sunday afternoon I have to get back on a plane. :(

Matt Woessner
04-10-2009, 9:00 AM
Today and tonight- church at noon, and later tonight I think we are going to dye easter eggs with the baby. Saturday going to go see Grandma in the nursing home and hang out and not do a whole lot since I woke up with a dandy cold. Sunday going to church and then the wifes family is coming over for dinner. Everyone have a safe weekend and have a Happy Easter.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-10-2009, 9:22 AM
Try to survive being on Standby for the day job this week and..if it allows....continue working on a Norm's "Martha Washington's candle stand" for the LOML.

I have gotten DC hookied to my new sanding station. It and the station seem to work well.

Jim O'Dell
04-10-2009, 9:39 AM
Probably not much going to get done here. Supposed to start raining Sat afternoon. We have one of the rescue dogs to deliver to a new home Sat. am, and if the rain holds off, I'll start resealing the leaking sprinkler heads. If I get those all done, I'll go back through and re-aim the ones that are off. If not, I'll rest.

Sparky Norton
04-10-2009, 11:03 AM
Unsettled weather (snow/rain) for the weekend. Hopefully not too much of either one. The local rivers are already flooding due to ice jams. We don't need any more precip for a while.

I'm going across the border (Canada, only 10 miles away) to spend Easter with my girlfriend's family. Her cousin has a maple sugar camp. I hope to get some good syrup while I'm there.

The shop is closed for the weekend.

Have a good Easter weekend everyone,

Jim Kountz
04-10-2009, 7:30 PM
Well with any luck the band will finish the final mixing of the new recording project so it can be sent off for duplication. Seems like we've been working on this one a long time so it will be nice to have it done.
On the shop side of things I hope to have the lowboy ready for glue up soon and then I can start to work on the drawers and the top.
Other than that I will be taking it easy this weekend and with any luck getting some much needed "couch time"!!

Jim Becker
04-10-2009, 9:33 PM
Typical weekend for us outside of the Sunday meal that will be a combination of Easter and Passover with a "mixed" guest list. Desert is more challenging due to the unleavened requirement, but our "guest pastry chef" knows his stuff! Leg of Lamb is the main course. So...equestrian stuff on Saturday as well as, well...a little house cleaning.

Clint Winterhalter
04-10-2009, 9:40 PM
I thankfully had the day off. Of course my mini schnauzer still thinks I need to get up at 5AM... Oh Well, who needs to sleep in..

It’s raining in Cinci so I spent the day shoveling out my home office. I can see the FLOOR and most flat surfaces are clear. WOW.. I wonder how long it will last.
I seem to work best when it looks like a bomb went off..

I plan to devote the next couple of days to car waxing if mother-nature cooperates.
*Clay to clean the surface
*Seal / (Griot's Make Great Stuff!)
Repeat (my wife won’t be happy unless I do the same to her car)

I need to make a new top for an outdoor table if time allows. LOML wants it wrapped in sheet-metal. I need to find someone with a “break” I can use...
I’ve scored sheet-metal and had success bending it. Something tells me that’s the road I’m heading down.
Happy Easter All..

Cody Colston
04-10-2009, 9:51 PM
Since I'm at work and on night shift this week, I think I'll conduct my own private sunrise service on the helideck while watching the sun come up over the Gulf of Mexico.

Paul Greathouse
04-10-2009, 9:56 PM
We had a crawfish boil at my son's house today. We boiled 140lbs and everybody had plenty to eat. We even had several left over that we peeled for my wife to make one of her great crawfish etouffee dishes later. Plenty of family fun and visiting.

There are several little ladies in the family including my new granddaughter, so I spent most of the afternoon riding them around on my wife's golf cart. Later the wife and I went to the Home Depot garden center and bought a bunch of flowering plants for her beds.

Tomorrow, I will spend some time laying the floor tiles for the new master bath remodel that I have been working on for way too long. Finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel on that project.

Tomorrow night we will be attending an annual Easter drama at a friends church. His church puts on a potrayal of the Passion of the Christ each year. We attended last year and it was great. It was very realistic right down to live animals in the church.

Sunday our time will be split between visiting my parents next door and my inlaws that live in a small town nearby.

I pray that everyone has a blessed and safe weekend.

Kevin Arceneaux
04-11-2009, 7:30 AM
Gathering plans for building a chicken coop, we are getting a few laying hens. Then planting corn, squash, zucchini, and pole lima beans.