View Full Version : I was Accepted!!

Steve Schlumpf
04-09-2009, 9:05 PM
Back in January I received information on an upcoming juried art show to be held at the DeVos Art Museum, Marquette, MI during the month of June. The North of the 45th exhibition was open to all artists in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin living North of the 45th Parallel. It was juried by MaryAnn Wilkinson, curator of Modern Art at the Detroit Institute of Arts. I figured nothing ventured – nothing gained – and submitted 5 pieces!

This turned out to be a very long and drawn out process – so I tried not to think about it very often. Initial contest notification was in January, submission deadline with a max of 5 entries was in February, acceptance notification in mid-April, drop off artwork in May, show runs the month of June and items are to be picked up in July! Like I said – very long and drawn out!

In today’s mail I received my acceptance letter and information packet for the art show. I was very surprised and even more so when I found that they wanted 2 of my turnings! Anyone who has visited my photo gallery will recognize them!

115291 115292

Also included in the letter was a listing of the 68 artists who made the show and it included one of my fellow turning club members, Bill Wiard! How cool is that!

It’s just now starting to sink in and I wanted to share!

Ken Fitzgerald
04-09-2009, 9:07 PM
Congrats Steve!

Steve Mawson
04-09-2009, 9:10 PM
Very very good news, well deserved. Hope all goes well at the event.

John Fricke
04-09-2009, 9:10 PM
Nice to see good work paid off.

I remember when you first posted that one on the pedastal. You asked for name ideas. What did you decide on?

Don Carter
04-09-2009, 9:10 PM
How cool is that? Congratulations, Steve! You deserve all the recognition that you can get. You do great work and I am sure many people (in addition to all of us Creekers) will appreciate the work that you do. Good on ya!

Jake Helmboldt
04-09-2009, 9:10 PM
That's gotta be a nice feeling Steve. Way to go. I really like the burl piece; very organic "feel" to it.

Brian McInturff
04-09-2009, 9:11 PM
Cool!! Way to go Steve. Congratulations:cool::cool:

David Christopher
04-09-2009, 9:11 PM
Steve, that is great.. I know you must be very happy


Mark Hix
04-09-2009, 9:15 PM

Gary Max
04-09-2009, 9:16 PM
Congrats----hope they both sell.

heck--- Keith will have to give you a raise now.

Steve Schlumpf
04-09-2009, 9:25 PM
John - settled on the name 'Spire' as it really seemed a good fit.

Chris Rae
04-09-2009, 9:26 PM
Congrats! They are beautiful pieces!

Jim Kountz
04-09-2009, 9:29 PM
Steve that is awesome news!! Im so proud for you buddy!! Well deserved, I know you'll do great in the show. Clear out the shop and get ready for some orders!!

Dewey Torres
04-09-2009, 9:34 PM
WOW no kidding!
Lovely works... what did you name the other one?

Brian Effinger
04-09-2009, 9:34 PM
Congratulations! :) Well deserved recognition.

Jeff Paxton
04-09-2009, 10:08 PM
Hey Steve, that is awesome and well deserved. The pieces are really cool, hope you do well at the show.


Bernie Weishapl
04-09-2009, 10:18 PM
Congrats my friend. Your work is great and it is well deserved.

George Guadiane
04-09-2009, 10:19 PM
Some of us (while proud and pleased) are not surprised that you would be accepted at that kind of level.

Ron Bontz
04-09-2009, 11:07 PM
congrats and nice work.:)

Maylon Harvey
04-09-2009, 11:08 PM
That is great Steve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike Peace
04-09-2009, 11:19 PM
I am so happy for you! I know you must me so excited!:)

lynn smith
04-09-2009, 11:32 PM
Congratulation's Steve
Well done

Bob Hallowell
04-09-2009, 11:35 PM
Congrads, you deserve it!

Mark Norman
04-09-2009, 11:47 PM
Veddy veddy purdy wood I might add....

Good job Steve!!

I hope ya get best of show:)


Jarrod McGehee
04-10-2009, 12:32 AM
Congrats Steve, you're the man.

Doug Thompson
04-10-2009, 12:49 AM
Steve, this is outstanding news. now sellout at the show. When is the next show...

alex carey
04-10-2009, 1:15 AM
Congrats but that you were a shoe in, those are both really great pieces. Congrats.

Glenn Clabo
04-10-2009, 4:55 AM
Great news Steve! Those are outstanding pieces. But I have to tell ya...Laurie and Glenns Schlump piece is nicer.;) Maybe I have to move it to a enclosed, locked and alarmed location?

Toney Robertson
04-10-2009, 5:04 AM

Great news. Beautiful pieces.

Will your pieces be for sale or is this strictly an "art" show?

Either way, I hope you sell them or get LOTS of orders.


Jeff Nicol
04-10-2009, 6:26 AM
Steve, Many many congrats to you and your skills as a woodturner! I wish you much continued success and support! Great picks by the jurors and you should be very proud, as all of your extended family here on SMC are!!!

Great work and better recognition!


Mike Stephens
04-10-2009, 6:41 AM
Congratulations Steve. That is great news.

Knock Em dead.


Keith Burns
04-10-2009, 6:49 AM
Steve, a big Congrats !!!!!! It does not suprise me, I knew it was coming your way.

robert hainstock
04-10-2009, 6:53 AM
Great news, we're looking forward to the show. :D:D:D:D:D

Steve Schlumpf
04-10-2009, 6:53 AM
Thank you for all for your support! Believe it or not - the overwhelming positive response to this thread means more to me than the competition! I do appreciate it!

I also appreciate the PMs I have been getting! I hope to take a few photos during the closing party and will post them and any results if I happen to luck into one of their awards. That would be cool but I am honored just to have been invited!

Thanks again!

Don Eddard
04-10-2009, 6:56 AM
One attaboy, coming right up. Congrats Steve.

Pete Jordan
04-10-2009, 7:03 AM
I knew you when............

I could not be happier for you! Those pieces are very special and I'm sure the people that visit the show will appreciate them!

Peter Lamb
04-10-2009, 7:03 AM
Practice Practice and sooner or later you will be at the Met

steven carter
04-10-2009, 7:12 AM
Congrats Steve. No surprise here, both great pieces, hope you win it all!a


Randy Privett
04-10-2009, 7:18 AM

Congrats!!! I know how hard you've worked for this. Onward...


Bob Haverstock
04-10-2009, 7:25 AM

Congradulations, They are of excellent quality.


Maria Alvarado
04-10-2009, 7:37 AM
Hey Steve,
That's fantastic, and well-deserved. Both pieces are lovely, but I'm a real fan of the hollowform.

Bob Way
04-10-2009, 7:43 AM
As a former yooper I am always pleased to hear of good things happening to those "back home." Congratulations, Steve. The pieces are exceptional.

charlie knighton
04-10-2009, 8:03 AM
congratulations, enjoy the event, yes we want pictures :D

Robert McGowen
04-10-2009, 8:53 AM
Congratulations Steve!

Richard Madison
04-10-2009, 8:56 AM
Very cool indeed! Fame and fortune to follow. Well fame anyhow.

Terry Murphy
04-10-2009, 10:27 AM
:):) cool!:)

Tony De Masi
04-10-2009, 10:51 AM
Major congratulations to you Steve. But I'm sure with many here on this forum that aren't one bit surprised at this.


john taliaferro
04-10-2009, 12:07 PM
dear mr steve, we want to saab saab tell you how much we enjoyed saab saab your stay here saab . If you could stop in and visit from time to time. if you dont have time saab saab its ok. enjoy your trip down the final turns of the vortex. it has been great. john t

Nathan Hawkes
04-10-2009, 12:46 PM
Congratulations, Steve!! Nice job, keep it up!

phil harold
04-10-2009, 2:21 PM
*pats you on your back* atta-boy

Curt Fuller
04-10-2009, 3:20 PM
Big congratulations Steve!

Bill Bolen
04-10-2009, 3:34 PM
Congrats Steve! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy...Bill...

Ken Glass
04-10-2009, 4:36 PM
I am really happy for you. Is is really great to see you get the recognition for your wonderful talent. It is certainly deserved. While I am at it, you probably deserve recognition for your service to this forum, as well.. We know how much time you devote to making people feel at home here. You are one of the reasons this forum has such a great reputation. Well done on both fronts, my friend.

Gerold Griffin
04-10-2009, 6:51 PM
Congratulations Steve. Judging by the amount of response's here the only one surprised about this is you! Hope this brings in a bunch of orders for you. Best Wishes!

Jim Becker
04-10-2009, 9:20 PM
Congratulations, Steve!

Greg Just
04-11-2009, 7:49 AM
Way to go Steve! Love the 2 pieces.

Benjamin Dahl
04-11-2009, 8:39 AM
Great stuff Steve. Congratulations

Steve Schlumpf
04-11-2009, 9:45 AM
Thanks everyone!

I am honestly overwhelmed by all the support I have received and am at a loss of words to describe my deep appreciation - other than to say Thank You!


Rich Boehlke
04-11-2009, 12:24 PM
Congratulations and well done, Steve.
Good luck at the event.

Dave Bureau
04-11-2009, 12:39 PM
Well done Steve and good Luck.

Hilel Salomon
04-11-2009, 5:12 PM
Just caught this thread. Fantastic and Well deserved Steve. You're one of my heroes!!!

Mike Golka
04-11-2009, 7:18 PM
Way to go Steve!!!

Ben Gastfriend
04-11-2009, 8:12 PM
Congrats, Steve. You and these two pieces definitely deserve recognition. I'm sure they'll both sell for quite alot. "Spire" is still there when I look in my "projects to imitate when I get a bigger lathe" file.

Let us know of the turnout.

mike fuson
04-11-2009, 9:50 PM
Congrats my friend.

Alan Huey
04-11-2009, 11:58 PM
Congratulations! That is terrific!
Good luck