View Full Version : Lyptus Wood

Ralph Barhorst
07-27-2004, 9:10 AM
My local Woodcraft store is going to be selling "Lyptus" lumber in August as their "Wood of the Month" for $3.90 per bd. ft.

They say "It compares favorably with hard Maple in terms of density, strength, and technical properties while looking like Mahogany in appearance and Cherry in color. Stains and finishes well."

The lumber is 5/4.

It sounds like it would be a great wood for furniture and I might buy some. Has anyone used this wood and if so how did you like it?

Gary Whitt
07-27-2004, 10:31 AM
I have 10 bf. I have not used it yet.
If it doesn't rain me out, I'll joint and plane some tomorrow.
It has appearance of mahogany, color of cherry.
It's nowhere near the density of hard maple.
It's more like mahogany or walnut.
No flames or burl, nothing fancy.
I paid $3 bf. for mine.


Gene Collison
07-27-2004, 3:57 PM

It sounds like it would be a great wood for furniture and I might buy some. Has anyone used this wood and if so how did you like it?[/QUOTE]

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I have made a number of picture frames from Lyptus. I like the looks but not the machining properties. It can burn like maple and has a tendency to splinter if you route a profile on the edge. It kind of fractures when you edge rout it. I wouldn't buy it again. My .02! It doesn't have have the same properties as maple as Woodcraft states except for the tendency to burn.


Herb Blair
07-27-2004, 10:07 PM
Lyptus Wood is a trademark of Weyerhauser Corp.
gives info,