View Full Version : Cypress and Potting Soil

Keith Starosta
04-06-2009, 12:50 PM
Good afternoon, Folks! SWMBO put a halt to my trestle table build after finally deciding what she wanted to do with our front porch. I'll be taking the railing system down, and in its place be placing the planter boxes that I'm about to build. :rolleyes: After deciding on a style (frame & panel) and a wood (Cypress), I've only got one more thing to work out. The planters will be of this style, but using raised panles instead of slats, as well as being stretched out a bit....


I was originally going to use a moveable shelf inside the boxes, so that she could just easily swap out potted plants as she liked, but she decided that they should actually be filled with soil. So, my question is...should I be worried about the long term effects the potting soil will have on the Cypress? Should I permanently line the boxes with some type of material, keeping as much of a barrier between soil and wood as possible? I know that Cypress is a wood of choice for outdoor projects, but would just like some clarrification.


- Keith

Lee Schierer
04-06-2009, 12:59 PM
I would find a pot that is close to the inside dimensions and use that to hold the soil. Then rotting isn't an issue. You may get bleeding of soil or fertilizer out of the seams between boads inthe panels if you don't line the box. You could also use 6-8 mill plastic and line the box leaving drain holes in the bottom.

Keith Starosta
04-06-2009, 1:07 PM
I thought about using plastic sheeting as a liner. I don't see why that would be an issue, as long as I drill drainage holes, as you mentioned.

Thanks, Lee!

- Keith

Rob Hermann
04-06-2009, 5:04 PM
As far as the wood goes, I think It will hold up fine regardless. We had water tanks at a shop I worked at made from cypress. They were about a year older than God I think, and abused with chemicals and hard use and still were rock solid. I do think though that you may end up with staining. Other than a pot inside I was thinking you could line it with EPDM, the same stuff many ponds are lined with. Between that and the cypress it would most likely out-live us. (at least me! :))

Dave Lehnert
04-06-2009, 5:30 PM
I would use landscape fabric instead of plastic with holes if going that route.
I built some redwood window boxes and used auto body undercoating as a liner. It is the same thing as pruning sealer only much cheaper.

Jim Becker
04-06-2009, 5:54 PM
I agree with Lee. Lining with plastic sets up a situation for "soup"...

Dave Bureau
04-06-2009, 7:28 PM
I was thinking of EPDM rubber. We use it for rubber roofing.

Keith Starosta
04-07-2009, 8:34 AM
Thanks for all of the suggestions, guys! I appreciate the input, and will consider each as I move forward.

- Keith